you can take your butthurt and shove it up your...wait

Apr 20, 2010 11:50

You know what, I think using 'butthurt' as a descriptor should automatically invalidate your opinion or argument. I've never heard it used well, appropriately, or even humorously. It just seems like a word people fling around to try and lessen perfectly legitimate feelings of offense and anger.

rant, crushing time now, fail

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Comments 14

lalachoy April 20 2010, 16:01:58 UTC
When someone says butthurt, I ignore their argument. If they have to use that word, it says something.


ivy_chan April 20 2010, 16:03:47 UTC
Yes, I've pretty much reached that point. I hate using one word to define the validity of opinion, but that one word is so...damn...stupid. It's going right next to 'sandy vagina' and other variations thereof.


lalachoy April 20 2010, 16:07:06 UTC
Sandy vagina just makes me say "what?" because who in the heck thought that one up? Where do these things come from?


ivy_chan April 20 2010, 17:43:07 UTC
My guess is people who never mentally progressed far past kindergarten. So of those remarks are the verbal equivalent of a raspberry.


caterfree10 April 20 2010, 19:30:00 UTC
God, I hate that word so much. NEGL, I started hating it after Bryke's remarkably horrid anti-Zutara book 4 video from SDCC '08. HOW DARE I BE OFFENDED BY A JOKE! I OBVIOUSLY MUST BE BUTTHURT TO BE HURT BY A JOKE. Etc, etc. Gee, excuse the fuck out of me for not appreciating being told I'd never have a healthy relationship because of my goddamn shipping preferences. >|



ivy_chan April 20 2010, 22:49:30 UTC
Oh, good god. Yeah, I don't think the creators of the canon should be negative about the ships of the fandom. Just be damn happy that people love your characters enough to have an interest in SHIPPING them, okay? And it really pissed me off that they used the art of the fanartists without permission to use them to mock the ship. They asked all the vid-makers for permission for their vids, so it's not like they don't know how to be polite. They just felt like they didn't need to for the Zutarians.


wingblossom April 21 2010, 00:03:38 UTC
I'm in definite agreement on this -- I'm not even sure where the word originated, but IMHO it sounds pretty stupid. (By the way, hi! Added you for your posts on Utena and feminism, stuck around for everything else. <3)


ivy_chan April 21 2010, 00:46:16 UTC
Sounds like one of those 'look how cool I am for being an asshole on the internets!' sort of trendy words.

(EEEEEE Utena! Is that fandom still alive?)


wingblossom April 21 2010, 14:51:36 UTC
Basically, yeah.

(Hahah, sort of! The forums on still have frequent posters, at any rate. I'm still of the opinion that you can never have too much discussion on the series, though.)


ivy_chan April 21 2010, 15:50:04 UTC
The series is so jam-packed full of symbolism and character development and plot stuff that you can discuss that baby for AGES. I left the fandom around the time someone was posting this wildly popular Juri/Saonji fic, and then the ffnet section was swarmed with Juri/Saionji.

...I...can't stand Juri/Saionji. >_


obsessive0514 April 21 2010, 01:05:00 UTC

It just seems like a word people fling around to try and lessen perfectly legitimate feelings of offense and anger.

THIS. SO MUCH. Also, it always gives me an unpleasant mental image...


ivy_chan April 21 2010, 01:21:08 UTC
Oh, yeah. Butthurt is just...kind of problematic in the images that it brings up. I don't know if that's what they were going for, but it's definitely what I think of.


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