they'll name a city after us

Mar 04, 2010 05:54

Comment with a pairing and I'll tell you:

1. When I started shipping them
2. What I think their challenge is
3. What makes me happy about them
4. What makes me sad about them
5. What moment I wish had never happened
6. Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
7. My happily ever after for them

shipping, fandom, meme

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Comments 18

scdsam March 4 2010, 15:31:53 UTC
Katara/Zuko :D


ivy_chan March 4 2010, 23:00:55 UTC
1. When I started shipping them

After reading the Tempest in a Teacup series on a search for good Avatar fanfic at the Pit. After that, my mind was open to the lovely shippy possibilities. And then I saw the big fight in Siege of the North and my mind was blown.

2. What I think their challenge is

They're both such strong personalities and so passionate, I think they would need to take care in their relationship that one doesn't overwhelm the other. Politically, they have a great hurdle to overcome. Zuko is the Fire Lord, so Katara has more to sacrifice in the relationship if she wants it stable and conventional. She'd have to stay in the Fire Nation, and he might have to produce a firebending heir.

3. What makes me happy about themI know Zutara is supposed to be about opposites attracting, but I never saw it that way. If anything, the two of them are strikingly similar- flip sides of the same coin. They have similar strengths and weaknesses and mesh so well together- which is reflected by how well their bending styles complement ( ... )


redbrunja March 5 2010, 13:09:21 UTC
I was late to a test because I was reading Tempest once.

Also, what do you think the cultural misunderstanding Aang and Katara would have would be?


ivy_chan March 5 2010, 15:12:05 UTC
Well, I'm basing Water Tribe culture on Inuit culture as well as what I see of it in the show, as well as Aang's air nomad lifestyle. Inuit culture very strongly centers on hunting at times, their diet is heavily meat, and they often eat it raw from the carcass. Meat (particularly fatty meat) is central to their diet, their festivities, and the way they hunt has a very spiritual component to it.

Aang can sometimes fail to be as open-minded as he should be, as the Avatar, and he strikes me as being squeamish around plain old raw meat. (See reaction to butcher shop.) While he probably wouldn't mean to be judgmental, I can see him failing to understand the significance, both cultural and physical, of their customs. (Enjoy the whale hunt, Aang! And all those other hunts! And the complete lack of veg ( ... )


batmarg March 4 2010, 18:11:28 UTC


ivy_chan March 5 2010, 01:45:50 UTC
1. When I started shipping them

Very late in the series, actually. Remember when Utena had her fingers in the bucket of water, and Anthy was leaning in and alllmost remembered the vague, foggy memory of child!Utena, and they were giving each other significant looks...and then they got cockblocked by Akio? That. That was my first shippy moment.

2. What I think their challenge is

Honestly, I don't think Any should be in a sexual relationship just yet. She's an abuse victim, and she needs a lot of time to deal with what she went through, and she can't do that if she's going to fling herself into a relationship right away. There will be a lot of issues in the relationship because Utena's expectations will be different from Anthy's needs, and Anthy's issues may be frustrating to Utena. So, I think that's definitely worth examining.

3. What makes me happy about themI think I'm initially pulled to the fairytale aspect of their relationship, and then won over by the characters being just...girls after all. The couple scenes of them that ( ... )


thegamehiker March 4 2010, 22:35:40 UTC


ivy_chan March 5 2010, 03:43:11 UTC
1. When I started shipping them

I pretty much ship onesided Toph/Sokka, so I think I started around where Toph started macking on Suki by mistake.

2. What I think their challenge is

Age gap. That's their challenge and my challenge for accepting this as reciprocated romantic affection. 15 and 12 just isn't on for me. But if they're both older, then probably. Then there's the added challenge of Suki standing in the way.

3. What makes me happy about them

The snark. Gallons and gallons of snark.

4. What makes me sad about them

Sokka probably will never like Toph that way.

5. What moment I wish had never happened

I'm going to replace this with a moment I wish DID happen- why did we get zero resolution with Toph's crush on Sokka? It's like every Toph character thread is left hanging!

6. Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other

Sokka with Suki, and I can't see Toph with anyone really. Maybe Aang or Smellerbee.

7. My happily ever after for them


thegamehiker March 5 2010, 03:47:54 UTC
I agree that Toph had a lot hanging at the end (also Toph literally hanging with tears in her eyes saying, "You can't kill me like this!). Katara had three episodes specific to her in the last season (The Painted Lady, The Puppetmaster, and the Southern Raiders) as did Sokka (Sokka's Master and Boiling Rock 1 and 2). And Aang of course had more than both of them. Toph? She got "The Runaway" and that was it. Lame.


ivy_chan March 5 2010, 03:49:26 UTC
Happily every after is sort of a non-happy ending, really. I prefer Toph to yearn after him for a while, reach maximum angst potential, and eventually let him go. But if they have a happily ever after, Sokka should run the Earthrumble Championship and Toph can just be the awesome top bender forever.


pi90katana March 4 2010, 22:41:09 UTC

Since I'm in a JLU mood again. ^_^


ivy_chan March 5 2010, 04:20:51 UTC
1. When I started shipping them

When Huntress told him he was probably the ugliest guy in the world under his mask and he was all: T___T "Go away."

2. What I think their challenge is

Conflicting ideologies, most likely. Huntress is very much a one-woman tank who has more of a pure vengeance attitude towards handing out justice. (Justice is eye for an eye, criminals shouldn't be protected no matter who they are, there is such thing as one side being completely in the right, don't sacrifice the victim for the attacker, even if the attacker might be innocent.) Question is pretty uninvolved in the immediate delivery of justice. He's more objective with his whole 'uncover the truth' scheme.

3. What makes me happy about them

I like them having perfectly normal, even shippy conversations when they're having a fight with the bad guys.

4. What makes me sad about them

The fact that they're superheroes and unless they retire, one or both of them is likely to die young.

5. What moment I wish had never happenedHuntress. There was no need ( ... )


It seems appropriate. aflightoffancy March 5 2010, 00:02:26 UTC
Relena/Heero XD


damn you, like i wasn't obsessed enough already ivy_chan March 5 2010, 05:23:52 UTC
1. When I started shipping them

I don't know. I have to admit to having a general blanket of shippiness before even sitting down to watching the series, so I can't really say where I started shipping it. Knowing me, I'd have started right where she keeps Duo from shooting and killing him. And then him opening his eyes when she screams his name as he plummets to his death would pretty much cement it.

2. What I think their challenge is

Ohhh man. Where to begin? For one thing, Relena will be trying to woo an emotionally-stunted war vet who almost certainly has PTSD. Once she vaults that hurdle, she's pretty much got it covered. Although Heero really is more stable than he rightfully should be.

3. What makes me happy about themOh, so many things. I like how Heero is as obsessed with Relena as she is with him. (Although she probably sees him as a source of stability and he sees her as a symbol for what he's protecting/fighting for.) I like the princess/knight parallels in that relationship a WHOLE BUNCH. They're not even subtext ( ... )


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