Title: Makers of Monsters (part 2 of 2)
Fandom: nbc's Revolution
Rating: R- language, self-starvation and suicidal tendencies.
Characters Bass, Tom, Jeremy and Miles (guest appearances by Ben, Rachel and Charlie)
Pairing: Gen
Summary Monroe as finally gotten his revenge and broke Miles completely. It's exactly what he wanted… Isn't it?
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Comments 3
Poor Miles - it's not really his fault, he doesn't make anyone do anything. He's just so darn charismatic it seems like a good idea.
I think Miles will shoot Bass. It was too far this time.
Poor Miles - it's not really his fault, he doesn't make anyone do anything. He's just so darn charismatic it seems like a good idea.
True, but he helped make the Republic the way it was, didn't wake up in time and when he did see the light- he didn't try and change things and then ran away. I'm just saying, the guy knows he screwed up. He's got a guilt complex and likes blaming himself for everything , but some of it is his fault.
I think Miles will shoot Bass. It was too far this time.
That's definitely possible- even Bass realized he went too far, though unfortunately it was too late and he can't fix things. He let his emotions get the better of him and they're both suffering now for it.
(Oh and I really like the dream sequence, the stuttering reality has just that right edge of the surreal)Awww, thank you. I wasn't sure how it came across, but I kinda liked them blending into one another and altering what really happened. I don't often write surreal, so I'm glad it came across ok ( ... )
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