Go Home, Get Stoned - RedK!Clark-Chloe - NC-17 - 02/04

Sep 21, 2007 03:04

Title: Go Home, Get Stoned
Author: shelia
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: RedK!Clark-Chloe
Spoilers: Rush, Vessel, Zod, and Crimson
Disclaimers: I don’t own them, oh, but if I did, I’d hug them and squeeze them and so make them porn. The title and moodlet of this little piece are from Get Stoned by Hinder.
A/N: One should be aware that the following bit of smut has a purple prose alert and shamelessly abuses a little red rock from outer space. Also, anything much more than a vague resemblance to a plot is purely accidental.


Clark smirked at her shocked look, his ambered green eyes flashing with amusement.

Her thoughts raced as she valiantly ignored, or at least valiantly tried to ignore the sudden tightening in her lower belly, the promising tingle between her legs at his wolfish grin and his not so subtle words.

Chloe struggled not to squirm as he looked at her and she had to hold her breath, or she would have cried out in sheer pleasure at the burst of moist warmth that blossomed swiftly between her thighs as he studied her with a deliberate, purely masculine appraisal that made her shiver despite the heat in his stare.

The way he licked his lips as his gaze lingered with undisguised interest on her hips, her breasts sparked another irrepressible surge of desire to course through her body, leaving her knees weak and her mind reeling.

Chloe was completely helpless against the sensations she experienced every time she was near Clark and god help her if he happened to touch her.

She had figured that Clark had gotten one of those sudden yet randomly predictable stabs of Lana longing and rushed away to brood.

On the ass numbingly long drive over she had pondered on which one of Clark’s many different mope scenarios would greet her when she got there.

It never even crossed her mind that he would get into the little red rocks.

Did they come in a six pack? Or did he pick them up by the case? Chloe thought wildly.

Moping Clark she could handle. Clark buzzing on red kryptonite she could not.

Chloe had learned that particular lesson the hard way. She chewed at her lower lip and watched him warily.

Despite the careless brutality of the way he had publicly acknowledged her feelings towards him at Lana and Lex’s engagement party, she had made excuses for him and ultimately forgiven him.

How could she not?

As foolish as it was, and for as much as she tried to deny it, she still loved him.

And probably always would.

A small, brittle laugh escaped her.

If her heart was lost to him, what hope did she have of ever being able to control her body’s reactions to him?

Chloe wasn’t quite sure if it was the soft whoosh of air that caressed her skin to shivers or that Clark was in front of her in less than an eye blink with one large hand fisted into her hair, tilting her head back none to gently as he towered over her.

She licked her lips nervously as he bent his head towards hers. Rich, dark waves curled haphazardly around the sculpted angles of his face, shading his half closed eyes and his nostrils flared as he took a deep breath.

“It’s the red kryptonite, Clark,” Chloe spoke softly. “You’re not thinking…”

She winced as his hand tightened in her hair and his eyes blazed with molten crimson as he snarled.

“Fuck Chloe. How am I supposed to think when you’re always so god dammed wet?”

She blinked up at him, speechless.


Wait a second…

He was blaming this red k bender on her?

She started to speak but Clark lowered his head and rubbed his cheek against hers. He breathed deep again as he nuzzled into her hair, and then released it slowly when his lips found her ear.

Chloe bit back a moan as his free hand wandered down her body and settled on the curve of her hip, his strong fingers squeezed slightly.

Clark’s voice was low and rough; a soft little rumble against her skin.

“It drives me crazy Chloe. Makes me want to throw you over the nearest desk and just fuck you until you scream.”

Chloe swallowed hard and somehow found her voice. “That’s why you left so suddenly?” she whispered.

His lips were as soft as his voice against her ear.


He tugged on her earlobe and she gasped at the sensation of sharp teeth and the barely disguised menace in his next words.

“He touches you too much. I had to leave before the urge to break Jimmy’s hands became too overwhelming.”


fic: go home get stoned, redk!clark, chlark, fic, smut, smallville, chloe

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