Let There Be wank!Clark!

Jan 06, 2007 00:23

Or Kinky Is As Kinky Does

as if my flist didn't already know I'm strange by now here is

A ramble, a request and a poll...

I freely admit to my kinks. We'll some of them anyway. *eg*

And well, I am very happy to point out that this year in Smutville has started off with a bang, or a stroke, if you will. There have been a few smutfics posted with one of my fav kinks, wank!Clark and being the greedy perv I am, I'm asking for some recs or pimps of wank!Clark.

So rec or pimp some wank!Clark for me!

Old or new, a drabble or a novel, hot or humor, straight or slash I don't care as long as it has Clark or Kal and some wanking going on. Check my tags for some recs and a pimp by me.

And being ever strange, I just started wondering what kinda Smallville kinks my flist had so... share your fav type of smut with me. What other types are they out there I don't have listed? Come on share. :p

Now a poll:


wank!fic, poll, ramblings, smut, smallville

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