Thinky thoughts on Clark's mortality and a poll

Mar 10, 2009 06:13

So... I've been talking with uberwillow and the subject of Clark's mortality came up and got me to thinking. I know... dangerous thing with me. Don't laugh.

So what do you think?


My thoughts... )

poll, smallville, clark

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Comments 18

g8r_gal March 10 2009, 10:22:34 UTC
I don't think SV!Clark can be killed permanently. It would be really dumb. I don't think he is one of the characters the spoilers are talking about. I have my own theory, and he is not included in it. I would never watch anything they (PS3) do ever again if they killed Clark. That would be like killing off Meredith on Grey's. It would be completely stupid. He's the "title" character, so to speak. Do people really think they will kill Clark off and let it stick?


ivorykiss March 10 2009, 10:31:15 UTC
LOL! You know I wasn't even thinking of the spoilers when I wrote this since I shy away from them as much as I can.

I was more thinking of characters and their strengths and weaknesses than show production.

LOL! I think I may have stayed up too late! *g*


g8r_gal March 10 2009, 12:37:44 UTC
I figured you don't troll the spoilers like I do (it's like crack for me) so I didn't put any other names in. I try not to spoil other people if they don't want to be spoiled. Which boggles me because I can't live without them! You seriously haven't heard the spoilers? They are everywhere! It is a huge hullabaloo. People are making predictions and digging in their heels (like I am). I am so sure about my theory, I'd put money on it. Seriously. I have a gut feeling.


ivorykiss March 19 2009, 10:13:13 UTC
Honestly, a couple of years ago I was all about the spoilers, but I slowly learned that I enjoyed the show better without being spoiled. So now I avoid them like the plague!

Though, unless I completely stay away from the 'net, I do get spoiled a little here and there!

I have heard 'that' spoiler. I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

If nothing else I know I get another year of teh pretty one! LOL!


babydee1 March 10 2009, 11:19:47 UTC
I used to think Kryptonite could kill Clark, but looking back on 'Devoted', when he ingested it, his body rejected it and it ended up travelling through his system and trickling out of his nose (that is one weird system - you'd think he'd have peed it out, but hey...!)


ivorykiss March 19 2009, 10:16:15 UTC
LOL! That was kinda silly how the greenk! left his system! Could you imagine how painful peeing out greenk! would have been? Shouldn't laugh, but LOL! Poor Clarky!


lilbreck March 10 2009, 13:02:45 UTC
I think he can be killed permanently. It would probably take a beat down from Doomsday, then someone coming along and removing his head or his heart.

However, who would think to do that? Maybe after a few attempts that failed, Lex might. Ooh, or if anyone ever got Chloe or Manhunter's knowledge of Clark, they might. But, it's doubtful someone would.


ivorykiss March 19 2009, 10:25:46 UTC
You know, I'm not sure even if they cut off his head or out his heart that it would be permanent. If they kept the pieces of his body separate forever, maybe... but from what they've showed us so far with Clark 'returning from the dead', It may take a very long time, but I think that he would eventually regenerate.

You have a good point. Dismemberment might be the 'only' way to 'kill' Clark. *shudder*


lilbreck March 19 2009, 13:07:03 UTC
Honestly, if they cut off his head, or cut out his heart, it would have to be permanent. Otherwise, it stretches even the Superman comics bounds of credibility.


firebunny March 10 2009, 13:18:52 UTC
I voted no, he can't be killed permanently, but I think I'm wrong.

Kryptonite can't kill him permanently. As Void showed us, death neutralizes the Kryptonite in his system. (Dumbest show-wank ever.) But I think he could be weakened by Kryptonite and then killed with something else (like a bullet to the heart). Then you'd have to bury his body right away, so that it doesn't get any sunlight.

I think he'd stay dead then.


ivorykiss March 19 2009, 10:31:46 UTC
You know... I think that it is the 17 plus years of soaking up the yellow sun rays that has made him just that much stronger than the other Kryptonians that have came to Earth. Maybe if someone 'killed' him, then took his body away from Earth, then he'd stay 'dead'. But if someone came along and brought him back around a yellow sun, he'd come back to 'life'.

Actually, it's pretty sad to think that Clark is truly immortal. The pain he would feel about always eventually loosing all his loved ones would be so tragic. :(


jlvsclrk March 10 2009, 17:30:26 UTC
As twistedlyn points out, there's probably a sequence of eventss that would have to happen for just about any version of Superman to stay dead - being weakened (green K or red sun or an extremely long fight), then critically wounded, then buried deep - this last is the step at which somebody inevitably digs him up for some purpose and winds up saving his life. His body just doesn't want to STAY dead in a yellow sun environment.


ivorykiss March 19 2009, 10:41:56 UTC
I agree! I really think his constant exposure to the yellow sun has strengthened him to the point he can't stay permanently dead.

Poor Clarky. At first thought, immortality sounds like a good thing, but I think he'd grow to hate this aspect of himself more than any other of his abilities.

Thank you for your thoughts!


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