This is a fill for the h/c_bingo march amnesty challenge, where one had to create a rec-list of 15 works based on one, two or all three assigned prompts. This is my first-ever time doing a rec-list and I had such fun with it.
hostile climate
food poisoning
deadline / time bomb
Fandoms: (Supernatural, A-Team, Longmire, Mission: Impossible, Van Helsing, Heroes, MCU)
H/C: (Hostile Climate, Food Poisoning, Deadline/Time Bomb)
Hostile Climate
Haboob - soncnica
Fandom: Supernatural
Warnings: Post-Apocalypse, Minor Injuries, Blood and Gore
Dean and Sam find themselves in a wasteland of vacant starlight, scarce food, freaky creatures, and oppressive heat courtesy of a torturous sun. There is no explanation as to how the world ended up this way, yet there is enough gorgeous imagery to keep you hooked and make you feel everything the Winchesters do. There's both hurt Sam and protective Dean, and hurt Dean and protective Sam, and there is also much lamenting over the loss of baby, both of which are essential for post-apocalyptic fic.
The Big Freeze - strangeandcharm
Fandom: Supernatural
Warnings: Slash
I've been on the hunt for this fic for years now and it's still as good as when I read it all those years ago. Dean and Castiel are trapped in a freezer with no way out, so they're forced to wait until Sam finds them. Cas assumes the role of caretaker, since he doesn't feel the cold that's affecting his vessel, and keeps Dean warm by using a variety of methods that will make you feel all gooey inside (yet worried about Dean at the same time). While this is Destiel, there's no sex, it's mostly at the end and it's so deliciously fluffy. This is one of those fics you'll want to read again and again.
Food Poisoning
Love Is... - BlueLotus
Fandom: A-Team
Warnings: Slash
This is a lovely little fic where Face gets sick (and is really sorry about it) and the team worry about him, primarily an angry yet mostly worried Hannibal and an incredibly worried and weepy Murdock. This is more fluff than angst and makes for a quick and enjoyable read, plus it has a happy ending.
Not Even Close - smalltrolven
Fandom: Supernatural
Warnings: Incest
Sam comforting Dean and being an awesome little brother when his big brother is sick is a must for me when reading Supernatural sick!fic, and this one hit all the right buttons. There's cuddling and snuggling (spooning!), sweetly considerate and reassuring Sam who literally considers everything, Dean letting Sam drive his baby, Sam making plans, an ending that makes you smile, and even Wincest... what's not to love?
Such a Lovely Place - lies_unfurl
Fandom: Supernatural
Warnings: None
This is a pre-series fic where Dean gets food poisoning and is trapped in the Impala with John and Sam, trying to get through traffic and not get sick in his baby. Tensions are high with John not wanting Dean to ruin his car and Dean and Sam bantering, but I love all three of them so much here that I could squeeze them all. John is stern and realistic but also a good father, a total head-canon for me, and Sam is a typical little brother who likes to make threats and eavesdrop.
The Livin' Isn't So Easy - inmh
Fandom: Longmire
Warnings: None
First of all, Vic and Walt are so in-character here and their voices are fantastic. Vic's point of view as she tries to push through being sick is spot-on with snarky internal monologue, and I especially love it when she gives brief though awesome character descriptions of how Ferg, Branch and Walt would react differently to her puking. Second of all, the banter between Vic and Walt at the end is awesome. Third of all, this just has the feel of the show, ya know?
Writhe: The Director's Cut - thruterryseyes
Fandom: Supernatural
Warnings: None
This is a multi-chaptered story by one of the best Supernatural writers out there, where Dean starts out with food-poisoning and soon after he and Sam stumble upon a case. This has plenty of Winchester hurt/comfort, with a sick Dean and a caring Sam who's a total mother-hen. There's lots of Sam manhandling Dean, as well as Sam getting mad at an air-conditioner, Dean forced to let Sam drive his baby, and a page-turning case to boot... it's all the best ingredients for an awesome Supernatural story.
Deadline/Time Bomb
A Little Bit's Enough - intentioncraft
Fandom: Supernatural
Warnings: Slash, BDSM (but no sex)
In this AU, Cain is an attentive Dom who refuses to proceed with anything until Dean puts down his limits on paper. It doesn't help that Dean is closed off, would rather be traumatized than possibly displase Cain, and has been abused by other doms in the past. Two things I love about this fic is that it's Dean/Cain and there's no porn, so this is a great read to get Dean's self-worth issues out in the open and have Cain care about him enough to fear pushing him too far and demand change.
Collecting Nightmares Like Souvenirs - dendral
Fandom: Mission: Impossible
Warnings: PTSD, Panic Attacks, Slash, Spoilers for Rogue Nation
This is my favorite Mission: Impossible fic and one of my favorite fics ever; I must have read it about a couple dozen times because it has literally all my head canons for these two cinammon rolls. Benji's trying to cope with the aftermath of Rogue Nation and Ethan takes him on a vacation where it's just the two of them to help him unwind. Ethan is amazingly supportive and gentle in this, giving Benji ample time to relax but also confronting the issue that he needs to work through what happened (hence the time bomb prompt). Plus, there's also Benji being his completely adorable yet also delusional geek self.
Darken the Moon - Cousin Shelley
Fandom: Van Helsing
Warnings: Slash, Violence, Sexual Content, Dub con
Cousin Shelley is one of my favorite writers and this is a fantastic continuation of the film where Van Helsing suffers from recurrent nightmares, is eaten up by guilt for nearly killing Carl at the end of the film, and worries that he'll turn into a werewolf and hurt Carl even though he's taken the antidote. The descriptions are vivid enough to be memorable and the emotions are rampant as one waits to see whether Van Helsing will turn or not. There's also plenty of Carl taking care of Van Helsing and vice versa, what more do you want?
Kill - Jimmy Eat World - Heroes - (Peter/Nathan) - angela paterson
Fandom: Heroes
Warnings: Slash (labeled as, but doesn't have to be)
With the time bomb prompt I'm definitely gonna sneak in something about Peter Petrelli. I always look for character-study videos of Peter and this is one of the best. While featuring clips beyond Season 1, I feel this video focuses mainly on Peter's Season 1 journey and how everyone around him wants him to stop what he's doing, but him coming to terms with doing what he needs to do (save the cheerleader, save the world). Unfortunately for Peter, he's heading down a path of self-destruction and while he may save the world, Nathan may not be able to save him. The song reflects all of the above too well.
Pieces - morganoconner
Fandom: Supernatural
Warnings: Slash
This is one of my favorite Dean/Gabriel pieces ever, and whenever I need a boost of inspiration I always go back to it. Due to Gabriel's grace being scattered all over the universe, he and Dean are only able to see each other in dreams. This is unique in that it shows that nothing's an easy fix, giving they've been searching for more of Gabriel's grace for so long and they are running out of time as Dean continues to grow older. There's cuddling and snuggling, spooning, Dean comforting Gabriel, and Dean sharing some valuable life lessons. Despite the desperate situation, there is still plenty of fluff in this wonderful fic.
Steve & Tony - Say When **Iron Man 2 AU** - ann2who
Fandom: MCU
Warnings: Slash
In this series, the vidder gives a different take of Iron Man 2 where Steve is assigned to look after Tony, who is slowly but surely dying from palladium poisoning. There is plenty of hurt yet also comfort as Steve and Tony start to fall in love and Steve's identity is eventually revealed to Tony, which causes a rift between them. This is also a story that is part of a series, but the vid enticed me to read the story in the first place.
Supernatural - In My Time of Dying - Heather
Fandom: Supernatural
Warnings: None
Well, you know this video's going to be angsty once you hear that it features clips entirely from the Season 2 episode 'In My Time of Dying,' yet Clint Mansell's instrumental piece 'Dead Reckoning' adds even further power to the episode, only enhancing Dean's frustration and desperation as he tries to find a way to wake up from his coma before the reaper takes him for good. Good thing is, there's also plenty of Sam being there for his brother. Even if you've seen the episode countless times (like I have), this is worth a watch.
Ticks Like a Time Bomb - faequeentitania
Fandom: Supernatural
Warnings: None
This is one of the best things I've ever read, hands down. Faith is one of my favorite episodes and anything I can read that fills in the gaps in that episode, I devour, and this just had everything I was looking for. Sam constantly wakes himself and his brother up because Dean's always been a heavy breather, and after the incident he panics upon realizing he can't hear him anymore. Sam is so gentle with a vulnerable Dean here, and if that's not enough there's cuddling and snuggling, Sam and Dean having a heart-to-heart, giving Dean and sentimental Sam. Dean is a time-bomb here, yet Sam still has his promises.