GLOBAL transfers of large conventional weapons such as tanks and planes were 24% higher in 2007-2011 than in 2002-2006, according to new data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Deliveries to South-East Asia rose particularly steeply, jumping by 185% as tensions mounted over territorial claims in the South China Sea. Three-quarters of all exports in the past five years were made by five countries, as can be seen in the chart below. A notable recent development is China's ability to manufacture its own weapons. Consequently it now ranks as the sixth-biggest exporter, and having been the second-largest importer in 2002-06, it was only the fourth-largest in 2007-11. India remains the biggest importer of arms, buying 10% of the world's total. Диаграмма составлена с большими умолчаниями :)
Умолчания огромны для США, Германии и Франции, где "Other" составляют 47-58%.
Из диаграммы совершенно непонятно, кто же поставляет оружие Саудовской Аравии :)
А также Кувейту, Катару, Оману, Египту, Турции, Израилю Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 2002-2009 (Pdf)