Thank you to everyone for the snowflakes and holiday cards/drawings/songs/well wishes.
You are all so amazing!
If you want, because I'm procrastinating studying for finals in such a loving/giving mood, leave a pairing* and prompt, and I'll write you a ~100 word drabble. Or just a pairing. Or just a prompt
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Warning! A little mean, but it's all in fun!
The five things Ryan Ross would never say to Pete Wentz (or things that Pete and Ryan have in common):
1. Taking suggestive pictures of yourself is never a good idea
2. You have to be able to play an instrument well to be in a popular band
3. Easy on the makeup, there, tiger
4. Capital letters and punctuation should be respected at all times
5. No one wants to know your business through pretentious song lyrics
Also. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh, number 5. Ahahahaha, I love you for this.
I'm gonna just. Y'know, keep giggling like an idiot. XD
And Ryan Ross.
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