India Diwali Satellite Image Real or Fake

Oct 29, 2012 09:00


Индия в обычную ночь и ночь праздника Дивали

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А то, что картинки с разными разрешениями никого не смущает? Прям вычурно разницу показывают, на самом деле не так все плохо в регуляр дей, а намноооого светлее.

Oct. 26, 2011
The photo is an overlay of shots highlighting India's burgeoning population over several years. The white lights were the only illumination visible before 1992. The blue lights appeared in 1992. The green lights in 1998. And the red lights appeared in 2003.
Current speculation suggests the lights are a result of the Hindu celebration Diwali, or the celebration of lights, held from mid-October to mid-November, but NASA was unable to confirm what time of year the shots were taken.

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India at night, satellite view. This image is a composite showing the change in illumination over India from 1992-2003. Satellite data from 2003 is coloured red, 1998 is coloured green and 1992 is blue. The three data sets are composited to form the image. Nighttime lights on the map that are white are lights that were present throughout the entire period. Areas that are marked by red have only appeared in 2003. Areas coloured green and blue were only present in 1998 and 1992 respectively but are no longer visible. This image was created by the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP), National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, USA.

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Nighttime Lights of the World, Asia

неудача, демография, Азия, аэрокосмоснимок, праздники, Индия, энергетика, юмор, Китай, наука

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