Who: Rufus, Cloud, whoever feels like joining
Status: Open
When: 1:00
Where: Starts at Shin-Ra, goes elsewhere.
What: Without his Turks, Rufus has been forced to hire Cloud Strife.
He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still )
Comments 25
He was perfectly on time according to his clock. He ignored the fact that Rufus was obviously in a hurry, as most presidents seemed to be. Looking between Reeve and Rufus, he was glad to taking a simplier life, not that he had the abilities for politics. Media politics were usually bad enough for him.
"You haven't told me where we are going, Shinra. Give me a location, and I'll get you there," he called softly behind Rufus. "Your Turks on a mission or just MIA?"
Nodding his head at the location, he wondered how much underground labs Rufus actually had. It was not his business, and he was supposed to be assured that ShinRa was not up to the same stuff as before.
He slid around Rufus to take point, walking out of the building ahead of Rufus. He was almost disappointed he couldn't take his motorcycle and looked at the rather sizeable blade attached to his back. Sighing, he pulled it free and tucked it under his arm instead.
He opened the door and waited for Rufus to get in. He wondered if he could get Rufus to snark at him more than usual.
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