The Regular (PG; Aberforth/Minerva; 130 words)

Apr 02, 2012 10:56

nevereverposts prompted me with McGonagall/Aberforth: bar, Transfiguration, goats.

The Regular (PG; Aberforth/Minerva; 130 words)

"Aberforth, the number of goats in your pen has increased," Minerva said, sitting down at the tap.

He grunted and poured her a measure of Ogden's Old, sliding it down to her. "So what if it has?"

"You know very well that such Transfiguration is frowned upon."

"Who says I-"


Ignoring Minerva, Aberforth moved to draw the bar down over the door.


"Stop plaguing me, woman!" he exclaimed, beginning to polish the table tops with a filthy cloth. "A man's got a right to insist upon the rules o' his business being followed-and that lot was nasty."

"That's no excuse."

"Don't fret, I'll change 'em back in the morning. You can remind me."

Minerva snorted. "What makes you think I'll still be here in the morning?"

"It's Saturday."

aberforth/minerva, minerva mcgonagall, aberforth dumbledore, drabbles/ficlets

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