Valentine's Day boycott....

Feb 14, 2002 17:52

Valentine's Day.


Yeah I know, wrong holiday, but it just seems to fit for this one as well.

I'm sorry for all you romantics out there, I used to be one of you, really I was. All the pink hearts, chocolates and flowers, that's what Valentine's is supposed to be like.

In Junior High, we used to have this thing where on Valentine's Day, you could send a carnation annonymously to anyone in school. Every year I sent it to the same boy. Every year he didn't realize I even existed. Finally, In the 9th grade, I told him I gave him the carnation in person. You all know what he did? He laughed in my face and wouldn't take it. I ran home crying.

But I didn't give up on V-day just yet, oh no, I had a few valentines, one in particular, in 2000, Gave me a dozen yellow roses for v-day, yellow being my favorite color roses. Of course, this bastard broke up with me the next day, but at least I got the flowers.

But then, the very next year, I thought I was going to be in Valentine's heaven. I had just moved in with the man I thought to be the love of my life. Everything was perfect....well okay, that's a lie. He'd spend all his days on the computer or out with his ex-gf and I had to stay in the appartment, watching movies or playing video games. For V-day last year, he went out with his ex from 10 am, till 2am the next day. He brought me back a tiny box of chocolates and that was it. What I ever saw in the guy, I don't know.

But now, now I know I've found my Mr. Romance, I know he's the one for me. My Prince Charming. He's sweet he's caring, and in four days time, it'll be our 6 month anniversary. *sigh* You must be thinking, well that sounds like a pretty good Valentine right there. And he would be....if he wasn't living on the other side of the continent from me. Look at it this way, I'm in the north eastern part of Canada, he's in the south western part of the states, you could hardly get any further apart. And to make things most utterly worst. He's working tonight, I'm working tonight, so we won't even get a chance to talk on Valentine's Day.

I've been jipped I'm telling you. Damn St. Valentine has it in for me or something. I'm destined to have the most horrid Valentine's Days in history. I guess I should learn to live with it. I'm jinxed. That's it.

So don't wish me a happy Valentine's Day today, unless you want your head snapped off.

No pink hearts.

No Cupid.

No heart-shaped box of chocolates.

No flowers.

Nothing Romantic for this little day-dreamer.





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