prompt for July 30th - Rent

Dec 12, 2008 20:57

Prompt for July 30:
Someone makes a promise.

It's not fair.

It's not fair that Angel's gone, it's not fair that Roger's leaving, it's not fair that they're all falling apart, and it's not fair that Mark has to watch it all happen again, even more powerless to stop it than he was originally.

You'd think, after a day like he had at Buzzline, he'd get off with a less painful dream, but no. He sits down next to a tree, trying to ignore all the yelling.

"Believe me, honey, I know the feeling."

And then he's on his feet again, clinging to Angel for all he's worth. Even if this is a dream, it's better than nothing. He can't bring himself to say anything for several minutes - not that he's sure it would carry, over everybody's shouting.

"I miss you," he finally says.

"I know. I miss you guys too. But I'm getting better, and I will see you again."

"I... I don't know, Angel. Roger's gone, Collins is trying to clear his head, not that I can blame him, I haven't seen any of the girls in weeks, I don't know if having an income is worth putting up with everybody else there, Mom keeps calling and trying to get me back home... what if she's right? What if I'm completely wrong in trying to do what I want? What if I should just go home and get a real job?"

Angel sighs. "Listen to yourself, honey. You know damn well you'd never be happy if you did that."

"I know, I know, but... I don't know why I'm doing this anymore. I don't know why I'm still trying if I can't even help myself, never mind anyone else."

"You're still trying because you're too strong to give up."

Mark makes a face. "I don't know about that."

"I do. If you were going to break, you would've done it when April killed herself, or when Maureen walked out on you. You're strong enough to make it through all of this, whether you can see it or not."

"...I guess. But still."

Angel hugs him again. "It'll get better. But if you break down and stop now, you won't see the better times. You know what you want to do, you know what's best for yourself - now get out there and do it."

And then he wakes up; the sky's just beginning to lighten. When Mark looks at the clock, it turns out he's got another hour before his alarm goes off. He can't get back to sleep; his mind is suddenly racing with ideas of what to do with his footage from the last year. And maybe a little more, if anyone ever comes back.

He calls Alexi's office phone and quits, then goes back to sleep. When he gets up, he'll start putting everything together.

july 3008, minkhollow

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