prompt for October 24th - Iron Man

Oct 28, 2008 14:19

gypsyjr asked for fic yesterday, so in honor of my blasting "Mandelbrot Set" several times, I wrote one of my all-dialogue extravaganzas. XD

Prompt for October 24:
Write about a song you love.

"Mr. Stark, you have to be at a board meeting in half an hour, and they won't appreciate it if-- what on Earth is that song talking about?"

"Fractals, Pepper. Well, one in particular. I would have thought that was obvious."

"Only to you, sir. Do I even want to know why?"

"He found it on the Internet, Miss Potts. I assure you, it was one of his tamer searches."

"...Thank you, Jarvis. I think. Anyway, the board won't appreciate it if you show up covered in grease."

"They'll wait for me. I'm rocking out, over here. And working on my car, since I went and put a giant dent in it."

"They won't wait forever. And I'm sure your choice of music would confuse them even more than it's confusing me."

"It's not that confusing, when you think about it. Changing the world in a tiny way, and all that. Been doing a lot of that lately."

"Indeed, sir. However, Miss Potts is right that the board cannot wait indefinitely for your appearance. The car has nowhere else to go, at the moment."

"...Whose side are you on, anyway?"

"Yours, sir, by way of saving you the bother of being locked out of operations again."

"All right, all right, I'll go shower in a few. Pepper, leave the notes you've undoubtedly collected for this meeting on my bed, I'll grab them before I go."

"I'll do that. Will that be all, Mr. Stark?"

"You'd know better than me, Miss Potts. But I think it is, yes."

october 2408, minkhollow

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