prompt for April 4th - Good Omens

Apr 04, 2008 17:39

I might come back to this one later, but right now I just want to write something.

Prompt for April 04:
It was a rainy day.

It was a rainy day - but then, that was the point of world-submerging floods. Crowley* had lost count of the days a few weeks ago.

He suspected this had been going on nearly long enough to satisfy Upstairs. That was quite a relief, all things considered; it wasn't easy, stowing away on a cramped ark with eight humans and an untold number of skittish animals. And the angel was there somewhere; funny, that, since it implied neither of them got recalled for the duration.

Not that he wanted to talk to the angel right now. They probably wouldn't end up anywhere near the same assignment for another five centuries anyway.

At least having to stay away from virtually all of the ark's heat sources meant he didn't have the energy to be terribly irritated with the situation. Still, he would be lucky if he got the taste of all this manure out of his mouth before the next decade was out.

*A name he was trying out, before the Flood started, and so far seemed to suit him better than 'Crawly.'

april 04, minkhollow

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