Title: Trapped in Amber
Effie!Verse: None
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Taken from one of the scenes in the promos for 3X01. Enter at your own risk and squee with me as we start the countdown to an all new season!
Warnings: Abuse of the present tense? Shifting tenses, definitely. *headdesk* Oh, and this has not been beta'd, so all mistakes are mine.
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Comments 7
"but akin to a ghost trying to manifest itself. He’s been an ill-defined image in her mind, misshapen thanks to the protectiveness of self-preservation and time."
but here's hoping that long odds comes through eventually - and the reset button truly can be pressed - this time with a different outcome.
I'm definitely rooting for them in the end...and in my own head, where perhaps, one day when I'm big and strong, I'll write them happy. :)
Thanks again for reading and commenting. You really made my day.
Thank you so so much for this! It absolutely made my night. I'm now even more excited than ever for the premiere and especially to squee about it with you!
Besides, I totally love the angst!
Gahhh, less than an hour until premier!
Thanks for reading and commenting!
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