
Feb 02, 2019 23:33


The whispers were becoming louder. The rumours were growing stronger. The deadly threat was virulently spreading northwards from the south, getting ever nearer ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

kehlen February 3 2019, 00:19:55 UTC
I heard of this story, but did not know it'd happened so close to you. Heartbreaking, but these people were real heroes. :'(


itsjustc February 5 2019, 20:31:42 UTC
Yes Eyam is quite close and the factual plague story is one we are taught in junior school as part of local history. Classes usually take a trip out to visit the village too.

They were very clever to have come up with the idea of isolating themselves when they had no idea how it was spreading, and very brave of them too.


kehlen February 5 2019, 21:24:32 UTC
Very true.


anonymous February 3 2019, 19:14:17 UTC
A sad story of heroism.


itsjustc February 5 2019, 20:33:08 UTC
Thank you.

I'd never really thought of it from an outsiders point of view, before I wrote this.


halfshellvenus February 4 2019, 08:09:52 UTC
I liked this abstracted approach to the prompt.

What a brave and difficult thing those villagers did. Quarantine can be very effective in saving others, but it is usually imposed rather than voluntarily chosen. Imagine how may people it would have killed had it reached Manchester.


itsjustc February 5 2019, 20:35:56 UTC
Thank you x

Yes there would have been thousands of people who died in the cities of Sheffield and Manchester had it reached them! It was a very brave thing for them to voluntarily choose to do.


rayaso February 4 2019, 16:23:23 UTC
What a fascinating source for your story! You did a great job of this, focusing on the lovers. I enjoyed how you interpreted a firebreak. Well done!


itsjustc February 5 2019, 20:40:13 UTC
Thank you x

I wanted to write a fictional story and a 'what if' love story connected to the factual events was something I thought would be good to explore.


dmousey February 4 2019, 20:25:22 UTC
This was an excellent use of the prompt! The villagers deserve to be remembered. Thank you for sharing it! 🐭🐁✌🐞🎀😊


itsjustc February 5 2019, 20:44:44 UTC
Thank you x

Eyam is quite close to Sheffield and the factual plague story is one we are taught in junior school as part of local history. Classes usually take a trip out to visit the village too.

They were very clever to have come up with the idea of isolating themselves when they had no idea how it was spreading, and very brave of them too.


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