(no subject)

Oct 07, 2008 13:10

Title: Symbiogenesis
Author: mad_jaks
Characters: Ten, Donna
Genre: Ficlet, gen
Rating: G
Prompt: Timestamp meme: rustydog wanted five or ten minutes before Felinestration
Summary: They came, they saw, they - wisely or not - used the transporters (Donna went first).
Word Count: 260 words
Disclaimer: Not mine - making no money

(Did you see what I did with that link?)


The Doctor stepped from the pad, rubbed his stomach - old model transporters could play merry hell with your insides, how had he forgotten that? - took two paces into the dimly lit, long abandoned, waiting room and-

Donna hissed at him.

Not her customary, stage whispered, ‘Psst, PSST! Oi, come and have a look at this…’ Oh no. Because that would have been expected, and normal (normal for them anyway), and far too easy to deal with, but hissed at with intent and, possibly, malice aforethought.

This was positively the last time he was going to let her go first, anywhere, ever. He didn’t care how many times she rolled her eyes and muttered ‘Space Man’ and ‘manners’ and ‘mothers' at him. On the plus side, it was pretty obvious what order of species had been last through the system so she was still, as luck would have it, bipedal. On the minus side she was looking like the claws she’d sprouted had been part of a package that included, not only a fiercely weaving tail but an instruction manual as well.

The Doctor had a sudden, extraordinarily vivid, realisation of what a mouse must feel like a split second before it became an ex-mouse, a former mouse, an extinct rather than extant mouse. His brain hurtled off in its hamster wheel before he had a chance to stop it, and then he was on the floor, gazing up at the ceiling, with Donna on top of him - her new whiskers twitching angrily, inches away from his nose.

ficlet, humour, ten/donna

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