Here is my post about my new PMP, the Cowon D2. ^_^ After doing research about various players, including the iPod, Zune, Creative's offerings, and Sansa ones, I settled on the Cowon D2 because of its long battery life and in-box support for multiple music formats like OGG and FLAC. FM radio, voice recording and watching movies was a bonus (and good for future proofing), as does the micro SD slot for more storage space. I plan to use this at the gym, in the bus, and generally anywhere I want.
Piccies! After using it for a couple of days, I'm liking it, though I did have some problems getting DRM'ed WMA files (my audio books) to work. >.< I think it's because it only supports WMDRM 10 yet my WMP was 11. >.< After many hours searching forums for workarounds I finally found one that worked. It's not painless but it's the best option I can find. I also found the FM Radio feature useful and discovered some interesting local radio stations. This could be useful in the gym too as they broadcast their TV audio using FM.
Now if only my PMP let me check my email and had GPS, and maybe acted like a phone. Oh wait, those would be the Palms and Blackberries. :p