-10- Home Sweet Everything

Aug 31, 2011 21:52

Sensei is as masterful as always, and Reed, your skill is super cool! In fact, it's almost as good as my own! I'd like to thank you guys again for getting me out of the Wilderness ( Read more... )

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Comments 67

spandexisyouth September 1 2011, 05:38:10 UTC
You are welcome, Night. I am glad to have you back.


ICON MATCH sorta its_me_hooray September 1 2011, 15:47:12 UTC
It's good to be back, Sensei! You're super cool and heroic, and I'm sorry I missed it all with what those things were doing to my head! It would make a spectacular movie!


Close enough! spandexisyouth September 2 2011, 01:17:20 UTC
Yes! Like one of the action ones that I got!


its_me_hooray September 2 2011, 02:08:56 UTC
I learned what a movie was a few months ago, and since then I've been hooked! What kind of action movies do you have?


viva_la_materia September 1 2011, 07:33:39 UTC
[A pencil skids across the page, leaving a cockeyed mark. There is a long pause.]

... )


its_me_hooray September 1 2011, 15:48:36 UTC
[Pause. Ow. Why did reading that hurt a little?]

I'm at home! The boss let me take another day off to rest!


viva_la_materia September 1 2011, 16:54:01 UTC
[There is another pause on the journal, and a noisy flurry of frantic consultation in the back room of Smoke's - and then, permission and directions obtained and Kage hugged, she dives for her journal again.]


[And she's out the door.]


Quicklog its_me_hooray September 1 2011, 17:43:11 UTC
[He leaned over his journal to write a reply, but nothing occurred to him. He'd been ordered to stay twice all ready, but something told him it was wiser to just shut up this once. He pushed his journal and pen aside and got up. His plan was to comply for now, have something to eat, then go back to bed.

Having his emotions fed upon for a solid week made a guy pretty tired and famished, but he was all ready getting cabin fever... He dug through his little icebox of surplus produce, and produced an apple. He always liked the green ones best...]


feathered_earth September 1 2011, 15:01:19 UTC
Night, hey! Are you all right?


its_me_hooray September 1 2011, 15:50:09 UTC
Miss Krile, I'm fine and dandy, just a little tired!

The boss is totally going to write me up for my absence though. That really stinks!


feathered_earth September 2 2011, 00:12:29 UTC
Well be sure to get some rest.

Aw, I don't think Kagerou would do that. And I bet your farm boss will be understanding too.


its_me_hooray September 2 2011, 02:10:30 UTC
The farm boss is the one that worries me. He's a little tough sometimes...

Oh well! I'll think about it more after I had another nap.


heretic_hamlet September 1 2011, 15:44:13 UTC
Think naught of it, Night.

But don't compare them to yourself.


its_me_hooray September 1 2011, 15:50:49 UTC
Thank you.



heretic_hamlet September 1 2011, 17:09:43 UTC
You're out of wellspring already? I'd have thought they'd have kept you a while yet.


its_me_hooray September 1 2011, 17:15:12 UTC
They had me stay overnight and told me to get home to bed earlier today! I took a nap and had a really big dinner afterward.

Still kind of sleepy, but nothing I can't handle!


weaver_girl September 1 2011, 16:05:18 UTC
And where in the Sphere have you been?! [She went to the Library to check if you had POOFED, you menace. D:]

I'm so glad to see your writing.


its_me_hooray September 1 2011, 17:19:53 UTC
[B-b-but Miss Kagerouuuu it was an accident]

Aww, I didn't mean to take a Wilderness vacation! The fiends had other plans, but they met their maker, whoever that is!

I just hope the others at work haven't spoiled Feathers too much. Fat chocobos can't race!


weaver_girl September 2 2011, 21:53:03 UTC
It's all right. It really is. I'm sorry. I was just worried. Thank goodness for Gai and Mr. Reed.

You will have to start a rigorous exercise regimen for him.


its_me_hooray September 3 2011, 15:33:53 UTC
I really missed you guys, so I'm staying put this time!

Haha, Feathers will run with me in the morning now, and I'll double the distance than my usual! We'll set records, Miss Kagerou!


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