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Comments 14

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its_ktd May 7 2006, 20:25:54 UTC


fiercediva May 7 2006, 10:48:43 UTC
- I don't remember this photo! Do you know the event/circumstances under which it was taken? The shirt looks familiar, though.

- That's not just scruffy!gale, it's scruffy!gale with mischievious twinkle in eyes. Lethal!


its_ktd May 7 2006, 20:23:08 UTC
Not remembering this picture seems to be the general consensus! It was a press thingy for QAF, that I know for sure. Hal was with him *pffft!* and the other pictures from the set have him looking even more out of it.

I like the semi-goatee he has going on in your icon. He could stand to lose that awful hat (although he pulls it off somehow).

The twinkle could kill, IMO too.


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its_ktd May 7 2006, 20:18:10 UTC
I know.. He's growing on me :X


severina2001 May 7 2006, 16:26:56 UTC
I am just imagining how much his incredible gorgeous-ness would increase without the scruffy patchy neck-beard.

Also, where is that pic from? Coz really... GUH.


its_ktd May 7 2006, 20:16:45 UTC
Isnt that the truth! I keep thinking how much hotter he would have been in "The Unit" if he had been clean shaven. GUH indeed :)

Its from the same function as this.... Poor guy looks like he's stoned exhausted.

... )


theiax May 7 2006, 18:46:19 UTC
Nice to see you here my sweet. Lovely pic too. I have it, but don't remember where I got it. I think it's part of the same publicity event thingy in 2003 as the pic in my icon though. Am I right?

I'm still so in love with him too, and with you.


its_ktd May 7 2006, 20:09:44 UTC
Yes! Same event, I'm just not entirely sure of when it was taken. 2003? Couldve been!

Happy Birthday my love. Hope you're doing well. I miss you lots! ♥


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