May 03, 2012 18:43



rp, college, aw yeah, meme, rl, now if only my computer would not fail, colon dee

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Comments 38

alory_shannon May 4 2012, 01:14:41 UTC

... )


its_game_time May 5 2012, 23:13:57 UTC
Thanks! Although I'm a bit nervous about finding a good job and all, I am STILL TOTES HAPPEH 8D~

Aaaand copy/pasting each meme response separately, since... tl;dr answers are very tl;dr. |D;


SASUKE 1/2 (lmao idek) its_game_time May 5 2012, 23:17:25 UTC
1. Why did I choose my character, and how do I choose to play him/her? I originally chose him because he was my main Naruto muse, and I originally chose him as my main Naruto muse because I just all around liked him; I didn't write him until I'd caught up with the time skip, right around where Naruto saw him again for the first time, and even then I was convinced he wasn't Totally Evil, and I liked the idea of the torn, angsty anti-hero (plus his fight scenes were COOL and HE HAD A SWORD). As for how I choose to play him... uhhhh as close to canon as possible? lol. Excluding the fact that I haven't canon-updated him to PsychoSuke yet -- but generally speaking, I try to play him as I perceive him: very hurt, confused, and emotional, but trying to hide all that behind a mask that's untouchable, clear-thinking, and apathetic. A kid who's seen too much and is trying his hardest to be everything he isn't.

2. What I have in common with my character. ...Ahaha uhhh. Hm. We both like swords I guess... we both have difficulty expressing our ( ... )


SASUKE 2/2 its_game_time May 5 2012, 23:17:59 UTC
11. What is my character's biggest secret? It's not really a "secret" now, but the thing he holds closest to him is that fact that he does still care about all of his old bonds, no matter how indifferent he acts.

12. Who do I ship my character with? Sakura, Hinata... thanks to RPing, I still think Sasuke/X-23 could be a strangely intriguing... thing, although idk if that's really a "pairing," considering Laura's... well, Laura, and Sasuke still thinks she's weird and is still a little bitter over that butt-kicking; idk, it'd take time and have to go a certain way, I think, for him to consider her romantically and not just have a more general attraction to her as a strong fighter (who also happens to be pretteh).

13. Worst moment for my character. RP-wise? When he went around possessed by Orochimaru and beat up and/or killed the people he cared about. 8(

14. Best moment for my character. If... by "best," we mean "happiest," then probably when Mikoto and Fugaku came back from the dead at LSG. ;_;

15. What I secretly want my ( ... )


pixiepilot May 4 2012, 03:54:50 UTC
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! You're all gradumated! Congratulations!


its_game_time May 5 2012, 23:24:25 UTC
LOL thanks! <333


onsoullessfeet May 4 2012, 08:39:48 UTC
Congrats! 8D


its_game_time May 5 2012, 23:24:40 UTC
♥ Thanks!


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