Title: Aftermath
pukajenParing: Tony/Pepper
Rating: Adult
Word Count: 6,300
Spoilers: IM1
Disclaimer: Iron Man, in any its incarnations, doesn't belong to me.
Author's Note I: Despite a cold and a bunch of other rl stuff,
soundingsea turned this around for me in time to post! Or, I would have, if lj wasn't loading soooo innnncrreeddibblllyyyy ssssssssslllllllllllooooooooowwwwwwwlllllllyyyyy.
Author's Note II: This is for
its_always_been's Challenge 09 - Naughty or Nice, see below.
Summary: He can actually see her temper snap and is both fascinated and instantly aroused by the way she shoves him aside and stands right in his personal space.
Challenges used:
From Naughty: No Fighting, No Biting, Finally (first time), and if you squint, Power Play
(sex at the office).