I'm depressed. I apologize.
Perhaps small and sweet is all I can muster right now which is almost ironic since most people write dark angsty stuff when depressed, yet I find the happy I'm normally incapable of writing.
Title: Train Stop
Word Count: 457
Pairings: Changmin/Yoochun
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff, General, Romance
Summary: Yoochun thinks it was an accident
Yoochun thinks it was an accident that he met him, an accident that he fell in love with him.
Changmin is stable and intelligent, hard working and completely opposite to his carefree and uninhibited soul.
He likes to stay up at all hours of the night smoking and listening to old records of geniuses from the past, Changmin gets off on new, ever changing advances in medicine and technology.
Yoochun likes to watch the sun rise and the sun set and Changmin grumbles every single time he shakes him awake so they can spend time watching it together.
"If you didn't miss that train, what would you be doing now?" Yoochun asks him over coffee, his hair disheveled from sleep, mouth soft with the morning and Changmin's eyes peek over the top of the newspaper.
He lets a corner flap down so Yoochun can see him in his glasses, looking amazingly handsome in the sunlight of a new day.
"I never think about it," he answers him, deep and calculating as he reaches for Yoochun's cup of coffee, pressing his lips in the delicate imprint of Yoochun's and continues to read. "You?" he asks him suddenly and Yoochun flushes.
He's thought about that day often, about what could've happened if they never met. "I'd still be alone," he answers him softly, bringing his legs up to the chair.
Changmin watches him before straightening the paper again so he's hidden and Yoochun can't read him.
"I missed that train on purpose," he finally speaks, clearly, through the crisp air of daybreak.
And Yoochun chokes on his coffee, his heart pounding, his eyes tearing. "Changmin," he whispers and feels faint when the newspaper lowers and Changmin's smiling indulgently.
"It was the only way I could find the courage to speak to you," he clicks his tongue and leans over the table, looking into Yoochun's eyes. "It wasn't an accident," he reaches out and slides his fingers through Yoochun's, curling them together. "So stop wondering," he squeezes his hand before bringing the newspaper back up.
Changmin likes to watch the news and read books with a lot of big words Yoochun doesn't understand. He arranges his clothes for the next day every night and enjoys the sounds of classical music.
Yoochun likes to paint with his hands, walk barefoot on the beach and talk to animals.
"You're different than me."
"Why would I want to fall in love with someone who's exactly like me?"
"You're in love with me?"
"From the moment I saw you on the train."
"That's creepy."
"Sometimes I can be creepy."
"I like creepy."
"I like you."
He stops thinking it was an accident he met him, an accident that he fell in love with him.
[Master Fic List]