He wakes up and he's got 20 missed calls and one voice mail.
He prays it's from Yoochun, but it's not. It's from Jaejoong and Jaejoong's asking him to come over and he can hear Yoochun yelling his name in the background.
Hell must have frozen over he thinks as he walks through the pounding pain of a hangover and grabs his keys.
He just wants to see Yoochun.
Yunho answers the door; he's still half asleep but lets him in anyway.
"Fuck, Changmin," he waves the air in front of his nose, "I think the alcohol is coming out of your fucking pores," he closes the door behind him and yawns.
Changmin knows he smells but all he can think about is finding Yoochun. "Where is he?"
"Passed out in the room," Yunho points and Changmin follows in the same direction.
He passes Jaejoong in the hallway who ignores him completely as if he doesn't even exist, that is until he smells him.
"Fuck, is that you?" he asks shaking his head and Changmin doesn't answer him, he just wants to be with Yoochun.
When he finds him he's sleeping, in one of Changmin's shirts and it stops his heart.
On the night stand he sees a used needle and a fresh track mark in the hallow skin of his elbow.
It doesn't even make him mad, not when it feels like his head is about to explode, so he closes the door and walks to the bed.
He's careful when he slides under the blankets and feels himself want to cry when he wraps his arms around Yoochun's warm body and holds him.
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