M7: Pilot/Ghosts of the Confederacy

Feb 11, 2009 12:08

Welcome to the first of our Magnificent Seven episode discussions. In addition to the usual summary, I thought I'd add something that would be both fun and educational. Okay, fun [g] -- a stats list. It contains both canon and fanon items along with an Oops! category ( Read more... )

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Comments 25

My Bullet List ithildyn February 11 2009, 19:31:52 UTC
Here's my random notes from the rewatch ( ... )


Re: My Bullet List winks7985 February 11 2009, 19:55:00 UTC
here's the oops i remember (i'm at work, so don't tell!)

chris and the guys are going over how anderson came into the village. the older indian (damn if i can remember his name right now) was pointing to where anderson's men came, and where the backup was.

the oops is: chris has his cheroot in his mouth while they're looking at the makeshift 'village' in the sand, then points to the ground with the cheroot never having taken it from his mouth, then it is magically back in his mouth without having put it there... like magic!!

and i noticed the whiskers thing too, and chris's hair. o well, you beat me to it.

and buck's stache... i don't know why, but if he were driving a panel truck and offered me candy with that stache, i would run away screaming.

and yeah his shoulder got better fast! i hurt my shoulder two weeks ago and it sure as hell ain't better yet!

i'm calling shenanigans!


Re: My Bullet List ithildyn February 12 2009, 00:11:48 UTC
The magical cheroot of light! Something to add to the whimsical one's D&D list [g]


Re: My Bullet List ninjababe February 12 2009, 04:51:45 UTC
Hmmm... Magical Cheroot of Light... It gives a person the seeming of having a Lawful Good standing even if he's really Chaotic Neutral.



Now for actual discussion! ithildyn February 11 2009, 19:43:18 UTC
I once called Four Corners the Brigadoon of the West for it's all over the place history. So for me personally, due to the pilot, I can't see this being set more than 5-6 years after the Civil War.I can't suspend my disbelief that those ghosts were wandering the desert for 10-15 years. For the same reason I think Ezra probably fought in the war because he knows how to use a canon. Now, of course, it's probably just the writers deciding it would be cool for him to shoot a canon, not taking into account you need to know what you're doing, but that's not my problem! LOL

I enjoyed the introduction to the characters, particularly Buck. Ezra is extremely stressed and seems backed into a corner when he's approached by the others. Later, as we get to know him, it seems even more pronounced looking back.

I became a fan of Mary in the pilot. She showed a lot of guts trying to save Nathan. And I admired her for not being intimidated by Chris.

Okay, that's it for now. I'll let everyone else take a turn :)


Re: Now for actual discussion! winks7985 February 11 2009, 20:07:19 UTC
buck's introduction is by far my favorite. i think it's shot well (with the camera), and it's just too funny and too, well, buck.

and i gotta say, i wasn't a huge fan of JD when he first arrived. i found myself cringing a few times. maybe more for his embarassment, like i was embarassed for him. but he grew on me in a most wonderful way.

and i have a bone to pick about nathan's hanging. if he hung like that for as long as he did, he wouldn't have been able to just "walk it off" like he did. i doubt he would be able to talk, or drink, or speak so clearly.

thos are my thoughts as i sit at work. i'll probably add more later, but i don't want to get busted right now.

p.s. vin is eating as they ride out of town, chomping on something as he says "less ways to split that HUGE pot..."

gotta go...


Re: Now for actual discussion! ithildyn February 11 2009, 21:30:21 UTC
JD really grew on me too :)

I would have thought he'd have had more of a mark on his neck at least.


tygermama February 12 2009, 00:06:34 UTC
I liked the plot of the pilot, but I had a few quibbles ( ... )


ithildyn February 12 2009, 00:09:18 UTC
Two completely different sets of buttons getting pushed here, it would take me all night to talk about them.

We're not going anywhere [g]

I adore Daragh O'Malley, so was thrilled when I saw him in the pilot. I wish they'd kept him as a recurring character.


conjured_1 February 12 2009, 00:41:00 UTC
Behind the scenes info: The pilot was written that Buck died after the sword injury and Daragh O'Malley was going to be part of the 7. Dale's chemistry with the rest of the guys was so pronounced that the end was rewritten to what we have now.


ithildyn February 12 2009, 00:44:04 UTC
That's what Casey was telling me a while back. It makes the way the pilot was filmed make a lot more sense looking at in retrospect. Glad Buck didn't die, but doesn't mean I wouldn't have liked to see Daragh pop in now and again [g]


strangevisitor7 February 12 2009, 02:24:41 UTC
Pic spam is up

and the ezra only one

My - oops - Vin is not wearing his coat and guns as he walks into the saloon but they magically appear the next time we see him leaning against the bar


winks7985 February 12 2009, 02:36:29 UTC
so that's the magical jacket! i've been trying to figure out what you were talking about for days now. whew. i'll sleep better tonight.

yay for continuity errors! they make me happy!


strangevisitor7 February 12 2009, 14:03:52 UTC
Yep _ always love finding the goofs. I also noticed that this is the only episode where Ezra uses Blue cards - after this he uses only red cards.

But he must have a lot of decks - he lost three ace of spades in this one episode and gave a deck to his little friend at the end. XD


winks7985 February 12 2009, 16:10:25 UTC
i didn't notice about the cards... interesting. now i will have to notice.

i thought about the ace of spades too! at the end when he was giving the kid the cards, i was like, "hey, the ace has a big ol hole in it!" so he gave the kid crappy cards!!

but the one he threw to distract the... pee-er... that one didn't have a hole in it.

how many decks does one man carry? saddlebags are only so big...


ninjababe February 12 2009, 04:56:00 UTC
Before I really get into the discussion... My list ( ... )


strangevisitor7 February 12 2009, 14:08:00 UTC
I want Mary’s red dress Me too!!

The time line for the show is crap - according to the info given about Nates age it has to be 1867 but all the boys guns come from the 1870s. I'm with you - I can't see those guys roaming the west 15 years after the civil war.

I agree - Ezra had to have artillery experience. Especially when he dismisses Vin's compliment - trying to make less of it by insisting it was a bad shot. Typical Ezra - trying to deflect. I'm sure he didn't want anyone to know just how good he is with a canon


winks7985 February 13 2009, 12:26:36 UTC
vin's chompin on something a couple of times... i think when they ride back into town after seeing josiah the first time (?)

then he's chomping on something when they go to ride out (when JD comes up) while he's saying something like "less ways we have to split that HUGE pot.

don't know what he's eating though...


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