I'm About to Break - Peter Wall Fic

Mar 24, 2011 09:37

Character: Peter
Genre: Gen
Author: thewatchmaker
Fandom: Heroes
Word count: 900
Rating: PG
060. Staying with a friend in rainy weather. - 100_fairytales 57/100
One Step Closer by Linkin Park - 30_ballads 6/30
Jack Sparrow: The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do. - scifi_muses vol3.week32
For: vampire_peter

My shoulders hurt, but fuck they do all the time now. My wrists ache, and I can barely turn my neck right now. I’ve been pounding the Wall for another day and into the night. Been through half a dozen bottles of water, and I ate the sandwich Sylar brought me hours ago. We didn’t talk much. We haven’t for a good week. It’s my fault too, because I was lonely. I needed to feel something, and something happened. I pressed my forehead against the bricks and let out a disgusted sigh. Oh yeah something happened all right.

But it wasn’t just the kissing or the rest of what I’d done with Sylar. What was getting to me was he was getting to me. I liked him. I cared about him. It wasn’t all about Emma and saving all those people anymore.

“How the fuck did that happen?” I knew how. I’d listened to him. Learned about what had happened to him, and now I understood why he did what he did. Hell I even understood why he killed Nathan, and that bugged me more than any of the rest of it. He did it to hurt me. He did it to hurt my mother, because we rejected him when all he wanted was to be a goddamned Petrelli.

It would be easier if it was only physical. If all I wanted to do was fuck him, it’d be all right. That’s what happens when you’re a guy in prison, right? But I cared. I wanted to help him. I believed him when he said he was sorry for taking Nathan away from me. i knew he was telling me the truth when he said he wanted to change.

I flung the sledgehammer across the alley, and it connected with the dumpster with a sound like thunder. It bounced off the blue steel and skipped across the ground a couple of times before coming to a rest. I couldn’t take one more swing. Sylar’d be looking for me soon, but I wasn’t in the right place to talk to him.

So I took off running into the empty city. My legs were as tired as my arms by the time I stopped. It was spooky as hell being so far away from Sylar and home. Jesus, when did I start thinking of it as home, and him as my family?

“God, Nathan, I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, but I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.” I’d found my way to the storefront where he’d run his congressional campaign. It was a used bookstore now. There were no red, white and blue posters with my brother’s big ass shark grin on them, and I wished to hell there were. I let myself in and slipped into the darkness. It smelled like old paper and a bit of mold. Kind of like the library did. I wondered if Sylar knew about this one, but I bet he’d never been here. If he had Nathan’s memory of the place, he’d avoid it. I didn’t blame him. I would to.

Nathan and Sylar’s worlds collided in this store. It was Nathan’s past. His dream of the future that he let go because his win had been a lie, and because he was falling apart when he thought I was dead. Now here I was years later falling apart because he’s dead. I sank down between the shelves and ran my fingers over the carpet. That hadn’t changed. It was the same one that had been here when Nathan told me I was insane for thinking I could fly. I didn’t need Sylar’s power to read the history of objects, but I wanted it. I wanted it so bad right now.

“How can I forgive him, Nathan? How can I like him?” The back of my head thumped against a shelf full of hardback books a few times, not that it helped. But it was better than when I beat it against that fucking wall. “I love you. I miss you, and I don’t know how to do it without you.”

Nathan wasn’t going to answer me. He was gone. He’d been gone for months. Hell in this shithole he’d been gone for years. I had to move on. Had to grow up, but I didn’t want to. I wanted my brother.

It was the growling of my stomach that made me get up. My muscles had locked up, and I had to hang onto the shelf to stand. I ran my fingers over the spines of the books. There wasn’t enough dust here. There’s never enough dust, but that’s another little flaw in Sylar’s World of Weird. No dust. No birds. No cars.

That’s when I saw the book. The Pillars of the Earth, Sylar read it more times than I could count since we’d been trapped here. It was important to him. He brought me a comic book when we’d been here a month. Bringing him a copy of his favorite book was the least I could do, so I took it. I wasn’t sure when I’d give it to him, but sooner or later I would. I’d know when it was the right time.

comm - 100_fairytales, comm - scifi muses, verse - the wall, vol3.week32, comm - 30_ballads, what - fic

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