Hi there! As all of you have already known, at the moment I'm the only moderator left. My job does not really allow me to keep the community going on my own, not for a long time at least, and you might have noticed it as well. That's why I've decided to ask for help.
Staff needed:
- moderators (1 or 2),
- bannermakers (1 - 3).
If any of you is interested in a moderator position, please, leave a comment on this post, using the form below. The deadline for the applications is April 27th. I'll announce my decision on April 28th or 29th.
Additional stuff:
1. Do not apply if you have doubts that you can really help.
2. Past experience welcomed, but not necessary.
Name:Journal:Past Mod Experience (if any):Why do you wish to be a mod?Additional comments? Bannermakers
If you are interested in a bannermaker position, please, comment
here. I'll keep an eye on that post.