Title: T-Bag's Sweet Escape
Vidder: Shaitanah
Song: The Sweet Escape by Gwen Stefani feat. Akon.
Media: Prison Break
Summary: Michael has become T-Bag's obsession. [CRACK; implied T-Bag/Michael]
Disclaimer: Prison Break belongs to Paul T. Scheuring and FOX.
A/N: I don't know where this came from))) I DON'T ship them))))) It's insane shipping T-Bag
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Comments 13
I don't know what to say! Hell, this is HILARIOUS! I don't know any other song that would go so hilariously well with something like that except maybe Candyman - and you did a great job picking out the creepiest moments. Hell, it does look so slashy! Michael with his intense looks and T-Bag being...well, T-Bag!
Fuck, I feel like commenting on every scene! I'll just pick my favourite ones, ok? The one with Michael crawling out of the hole in the wall - Michael's face there is priceless. Love the "I want to make you bleed." - "This is not a game." exchange. So hot. ;) "I'm in it for the money" sounds soooo pervy! Michael holding the ring is...ambigious. ;)
Ok, I'll shut up for now and just rewatch this cracktastic thing a thousand times over. And then maybe I'll bow before your genius. *_*
(Michael belongs with Alex...at least until Alex starts belonging with Lincoln. ^_~)
T-Bag is the creepiest creepster when he's fixated on smn))) And he definitely is fixated on Mikey)))
I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it so much)))) All the ambiguity is purely intentional)))
(LOL ttly! You got me shipping them hard, you know! But they have no fandom(((()
Btw I've been thinking)) T-Bag is sooo crazy over Michael, yet we were never shown his reaction to the news of Michael's death. I wonder how he reacted. So much hate can hardly be laid to rest at once. I bet he was somewhat upset. Hell, he was even upset over Bellick!
No fandom sucks. Are people blind or what?
Hmm, you're right. That should be interesting. I bet he was upset and philosophised like he did with Bellick. Maybe uttered some speech to the other inmates.
They aaareeee(((
You seem to be good with T-Bag. Write it for me?)))))))
*LOL* This was unexpected and really nice! XDDD
I gotta say your comment is unexpected too)))) <3
Thanks for watching.
T-Bag looks soooo crazy all the damn time, btw %)
B/c coconuts are as cool as 27!!!
Hehehe, he is crazy!)))) And lulzy))) He's like 90 % of major lulz on this show))))
Thanks for watching, luv. <333
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