Being Human: Past, Perfect Tense [Hal/Cutler]

Jun 20, 2012 13:30

Title: “Past, Perfect Tense”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: NC-17 [dub-con]
Timeline: 1950s; post-series 4
Summary: Back in the fifties, Hal was cruel temptation. Now it’s Cutler’s turn to return the favour. [Hal/Cutler, Cutler/Rachel]
Disclaimer: Being Human belongs to Toby Whithouse and the BBC. Two lines taken from Episode 4x07, “Making History”. ( Read more... )

gift fic, ch: fergus, being human, ch: alex millar, fanfiction, ch: nick cutler, p: nick/rachel, slash, ch: hal yorke, p: hal/cutler, ch: tom mcnair, ch: rachel cutler, het, tv

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Comments 12

shirogiku June 20 2012, 11:06:45 UTC
Oh dear God, every time I think it can't get any more perfect, you stun me all over again!!! mind=blown. THERE AREN'T WORDS TO EXPRESS HOW AWESOME THIS IS! Thaaaaank you <333

Do you remember how you always used to adjust my tie?... God, that's so painfully Nick! To think that Hal readjusts it bc it annoys him and keep trying to adjust it perfectly but keep failing.

“Why? Because I died?” “Or because you don’t want me here?” I loved, loved, loved these two questions and the revelation that Head!Nick stole them from Head!Hal <333 And the parallels and difference between the two scenes -- Hal's reluctance (but he eventually gives in), Nick's stubborness and resentment at Hal leaving. So mindfucky <333 And the resulting ambiguity of what's real and not. BSG all the way. Nick wins a blonde wig!

Cutler gives him a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes.

He says: “Let’s talk.” aaaaaa, poor baby. And it will take 33 days, but they'll get there :D Somewhere

No, Hal doesn’t think. He thinks he used to play inane games and Cutler is stealing ( ... )


istne_pieklo June 20 2012, 11:21:47 UTC
WOW! Now who's spoiling who? This comment is a writer's dream ( ... )


shirogiku June 20 2012, 11:08:43 UTC
Oh, and I forgot to mention, but Tom and Alex <3 Their presence always makes everything better even when they walk in on some Hal/Cutler action :D


istne_pieklo June 20 2012, 11:22:47 UTC
Hehehe, I can't write post-series 4 really these days b/c I have a Lavender Blue/Quicksand canon in my head! Nick is alive and they're all friends! Nothing can persuade me otherwise! XDDDD


pinigir June 20 2012, 22:25:22 UTC
Loved it! :-)


istne_pieklo June 21 2012, 07:36:24 UTC
Thank you very much! :)


dune_master June 21 2012, 12:43:10 UTC
Wow, that's hot! Love the parallelism and those little crazy details like bad milk (very characteristic of little fuckers like Cutler) and Cutler's horror re: his wife period and his reaction to Hal disappearing... Ugh, I love all of it! And their conversations! And the sex. Now I want to rewatch the series, damn it. XPP


istne_pieklo June 21 2012, 12:56:24 UTC
Thaaank you!)) Hehe, I keep rewatching bits and pieces now and then b/c I'm so hooked that my brain hurts)))
FINALLY smn noticed the milk))))) The milk is like Moriarty's apple: the main character of this story))))


dune_master June 21 2012, 13:12:14 UTC
Wow, that's some insane new pairing: Apple/Bad Milk!


istne_pieklo June 21 2012, 13:16:32 UTC
LMAO! Like Bad Horse (from Doctor Horrible). XD


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