Title: “A Healthy Heartbeat”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: PG
Timeline: Series 2 and onwards
Summary: Nathan comes to terms with his power. [A tiny bit of Nathan/Kelly implications if you squint; spoilers up to and including Episode 2x01]
Disclaimer: Misfits belong to Clerkenwell Films, E4, Howard Overman, etc.
A/N: GAIZ!!! I’ve written smth! I’ve actually written smth! It took me pretty much a week and it sucks, but STILL!
Nathan doesn’t think about it when he dies. It happens a little too fast. His hand slips out of Simon’s and he falls, and between that and the short, searing burst of pain there is a thoroughly disappointing hybrid of a thought: Ouch! and Fuck! and ButIhaven’thadsexwithKellyyet!
Nathan is not good with words. Not the nice words, at least. So he doesn’t say “thank you” when they dig him up, doesn’t even think it - hey, they had to do something for him, since, well, they sort of let him die. Then again, he knows he has a power now and he could have lived some eighty more years without even knowing it, so perhaps they do deserve a thank-you. And damn it all if it isn’t the coolest power ever!
The second time Nathan dies a slow and bloody and painful death. And everyone’s watching. Again.
For a moment Nathan wonders if it’s going to work this time as well as last time. Because it would sure as hell be a lame death-
Okay, maybe it would have been cooler just to dodge bullets or something because this fucking hurts.
But apart from that, it’s not so bad. Nathan thinks that blacking out for yet another supposedly last time is like drinking too much. Maybe even easier. You wake up a little disoriented, but you don’t have to fight the hangover all morning.
Nathan tells himself dying is not scary, it just takes some getting used to. Especially if he ignores the inward mistrust of pipes, fences and everything sharp and pointy. Especially if he tries not to think about guns and explosions and the end of the world that only cockroaches will survive. Cockroaches and him, that is.
And, okay, that everyone you love will die thing was not so pleasant. Why did Barry have to be so sentimental?
Nathan puts up a façade that works for him and does his best to focus on the bright side.
A dozen deaths later the pain still hasn’t subsided, but Nathan looks at Kelly, imagines her being, like, ninety years old - and calmly tells himself that it wouldn’t be the first time he had sex with an old hag.
That’s the bright side, yeah?
November 13-18, 2010