Title: “Sengoku BASARA 729”
Author: Shaitanah and Satalex
Rating: PG overall
Summary: 27 mini-drabbles, 27 words each, from gen to crack, from het to slash, celebrating the insanity that is Basara. Batch # 2.
Disclaimer: Sengoku BASARA belongs to Capcom, Production I.G. and whatnot.
A/N: We seem to be a bit more biased in this one, leaning more towards our favourite characters (with a few notable exceptions).
Akechi Mitsuhide; comb
A comb could be an ideal pain-inflicting tool. The thought of running it through his tousled hair makes Mitsuhide’s throat clench. Alas, his hair is always perfect.
Date Masamune, Sanada Yukimura; dango
Breath on hold. The tender pale softness is pierced in the twinkling of an eye with a merciless gesture.
He wouldn't mind some of Yukimura's dango.
Oda Nobunaga; Owari beauty pageant
Beauty pageants are battlegrounds: anything goes, from a splatter of acid to needles in the meals. Owari shouldn’t be any different, especially with Oda at the helm.
Date Masamune; fuck up
“Once again you fuck up my mood with your lectures, Kojuurou, I’ll go fuck up your daikon.”
“Masamune-sama, you sure you know what its tops look like?”
Katakura Kojuurou; don’t lie to me
“How do I look?”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Wouldn’t presume to.”
“It’s okay. Who needs two eyes anyway?”
“People that don’t have this Kojuurou watching their backs.”
Date Masamune, Sanada Yukimura; sucky language
Seems Sanada learned Japanese from ancient fucking books* or something. I’m, like, ‘Outda-a-ated. It sucks.’ He says he doesn’t understand the word ‘sucks’, so he doesn’t care.
Takeda Shingen; striped underwear
Shingen loves giving motivational speeches. Even if it’s an ungodly hour and he isn’t properly attired yet. After all, his striped “tiger” underwear is quite motivational, too.
Takenaka Hanbei/Katakura Kojuurou; music
Hanbei desires to become the music Kojuurou would dance to. He does everything to prove his melody is the sweetest.
Kojuurou never liked sweets. Try his leek!
Sarutobi Sasuke; bloody tired
Scouting, spying, fighting - all that’s part of the job. What really makes Sasuke bloody tired is tearing up teahouses to find Sanada-danna’s salty crackers. He feels underpayed.
Takeda Shingen/Uesugi Kenshin; everything
Had Shingen a chance to change fate, he wouldn't use it. Neither would Kenshin. Everything’s important. Every side of their funny lives, happy or bitter. Just right.
Takeda Shingen/Uesugi Kenshin; buddhism
They share more common grounds than war, spiritual and physical. While the hack-and-slash is certainly fun, it’s the heat of philosophic discussions that brings them true pleasure.
Mori Ranmaru; older
“How much will my life change when I get older?” Ranmaru wondered.
But it didn’t take years to change it. One Kojuurou killing one Mitsuhide was enough.
Takenaka Hanbei; onsen
Hanbei never takes his mask off, even when he sleeps or visits an onsen. It keeps him focused, reminds him to keep his eyes on the prize.
Katakura Shigenaga**; lies my parents told me
Shigenaga hated being lied to about ingredients of meals, the meaning of war, and his father's relationship with Masamune-sama. The first thing was the hardest to guess.
Katakura Kojuurou; let go
The one time Kojuurou had to ride Masamune’s horse, he couldn’t let go of the handlebars. He must have looked rather stupid, but that made Masamune-sama laugh.
Sanada Yukimura; 20 years later
Yukimura hoped that in 20 years he'd become very strong! Succeed in conquering everything! Defeat Date-dono! And become like Oyakata-sama!
"Try surviving at least, Sanada-danna," Sasuke joked.
Date Masamune; drunk
Date drinks to have an official excuse to do something stupid. Kojuurou lectures him either way; at least Masamune is too wasted to let it annoy him.
Kasuga; birds of passage
Kasuga looks up at the sky and counts little dots. Birds of passage remind her of herself. But unlike them she’d never return home, to the village…
Sarutobi Sasuke; by accident
Sasuke rarely does things by accident. But then, it usually leads to curious results. Sometimes he wonders if his entire employment with Takeda is one big accident.
Mouri Motonari; monsters under the bed
Children of the Sun are perfect. Motonari doesn't even have monsters under his bed because he has no bed. But maybe under that table Toyotomi granted him…
Katakura Kojuurou; green
Kojuurou knows best. Unless it’s food. Because that weird green muck that turns your tongue and face green is anything but the best for a hungover Masamune.
Takenaka Hanbei; under the table
Hanbei learns that those huge European tables can be a double-edged sword when he finds Hideyoshi hiding under one of them, eavesdropping on Hanbei sweet-talking Katakura-kun again.
Oda Nobunaga; snow leopard
Oda was hellfire, those devilish red eyes, and ruthlessness. Who could have thought that sometime in the future historians would describe him as a snow leopard? ***
Maeda Keiji; umbrellas
Keiji wanted to see if several umbrellas bound together would fly. Using Hideyoshi as a test subject was probably a lousy idea. No wonder he’s still mad.
Takeda Shingen; brother
The more brothers you have, the funnier is childhood, the bloodier is the struggle for dominance in the clan, the heavier is the pain of losing them.
Date Masamune/Sanada Yukimura; blue
Sanada glances quickly at the fire. Especially those rare little blue flames. They say these’re the hottest. The deadliest.
Masamune’s rough tongue down his neck.
Everything burns.
Oichi; Ichi’s fault
Everything is Ichi’s fault. Nagamasa-sama is dead; she can’t even date because of those creepy shadowy hands that spring out everytime. It’s either her fault or Yumekichi’s****.
* Like dis:
** Yes, we know this guy technically doesn’t even exist in the anime. But he existed in history, and hell, I love his name! So zip it. ;)
*** This is true. Basov, ‘Samurai’. Clearly he's never imagined this:
art by
helike who's awesome
**** Because Yumekichi is the mastermind behind everything. He's even darker than Tokugawa. Dun-dun-dun-dun!
Bonus: obligatory Hanbei and his table
Batch # 1 - Sengoku BASARA 27x27