Sengoku BASARA 27x27

Jul 22, 2010 01:10

Title: “Sengoku BASARA 27x27”
Author: Shaitanah and Satalex
Rating: PG overall
Summary: 27 mini-drabbles, 27 words each, from gen to crack, from het to slash, celebrating the insanity that is Basara.
Disclaimer: Sengoku BASARA belongs to Capcom, Production I.G. and whatnot.
A/N: I think we’ve had a little too much CRACKodilium on this one. ;)))


Sanada Yukimura; rain, a little anxious
He is always a little anxious when it rains; it’s as if rain might wash something out of him, something that he is not ready to lose.

Date Masamune; not in a lifetime
'Shit!' Date's face twitched with pain as the doctor pulled out the damned arrow spike from his thigh. Ever getting shot again? Not in a lifetime, doc.

Saihaku* (OC); saiaku
The fact that Saihaku bears the stupidest name ever can only redeemed by the joy he feels when people whisper his nickname in trepidation - saiaku, the creepiest.

Nomura** (OC); money
Nomura engaged in it for money, with ordinary men. But with unusual men, money became but a nice bonus. Date certainly belonged to the latter. Would Yukimura?

Sanada Yukimura; angry at Sasuke
Sasuke poking his nose into things that are not his concern is okay. Eating all dango and placing the blame on other members of Brave Ten isn’t!

Takeda Shingen/Uesugi Kenshin; whatever happened, happened
Those battles, the nights of sake-drinking (Shingen was the first to flake out), and the rare moments of intimacy… and insane fucking. Why regret? What happened, happened.

Sanada Yukimura; virginity problems
It’s not that Yukimura isn’t good-looking. Or that he can’t talk to women (or men, at that). It’s that, before Masamune, he never wanted anyone this much.

Date Masamune; the lies he tells about losing his eye
The content of Masamune's stories about the loss of the eye varies: spicy fibs or the boring truth, equally meaningless. Because his true Migime is with him.

Oda Nobunaga; unusual hobby
Odd as it is, Oda likes butterflies. He painted the one on Nouhime’s hip after she refused to let him pin a real butterfly to her leg.

Uesugi Kenshin; hair
Dark, long, tender like night air, incredibly soft to the touch. But it becomes really smelly and rough if Kenshin's out there battling for days. Solution? Headscarf!

Sanada Yukimura; masturbation
The things he does in the darkness of his room are secret; yet more often than not he finds himself wishing a certain someone could see him.

Takenaka Hanbei; table
'Mmm, big.' Hanbei touched it with his fingertips, fascinated, 'And hard. After Toyotomi takes over the country… we'll make everybody introduce into their everyday life European tables.'

Takenaka Hanbei; on Kojuurou
True; he wants Katakura as a general and a strategist. But what he won’t tell Hideyoshi is that, deep inside, above all else, he simply wants him.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi; size doesn’t matter
Size matters only when you desire to rule a country, Toyotomi believes. The bigger your possessions are, the better. In other cases feelings solve this problem. Sometimes.

Mouri Motonari; frustration
Frustration is a lowly emotion Children of the Sun aren't supposed to feel. When Chousokabe is brought down, it rises within Motonari like an ocean, bitter, cold.

Chousokabe Motochika; too much
In fighting, the borderline between not enough and too much is thin. Sometimes nothing at all becomes more preferable if Motochika's drawn into fighting against his friends.

Toyoyomi Hideyoshi; bottoms
Hanbei is too much of a control freak, but invaluable, so Hideyoshi occasionally relents and gives him what he wants - a minor sacrifice to win greater battles.***

Maeda Keiji; Yumekichi's size
Keiji can't imagine himself without the liiiittle fluffy ball of evil sneaking in his colorful sleeves. Well, were Yumekichi bigger, Keiji would have to piggyback him. Ugh.

Tokugawa Ieyasu; geeks
Had Tokugawa lived centuries later, he could have established himself in Silicon Valley. For
now he has to make do with upgrading his army to Tadakatsu's level.

Honda Tadakatsu; doing taichi
After lubricating metal parts it's very important to limber up', as Tokugawa says, so that nothing would squeak and creak. Taichi Hands like Clouds' move's especially effective.

Kasuga; boobs
Falling in love with Kenshin was a beautiful excuse. The real reason Kasuga left her village was
that her compatriots kept calling her a walking Booby Trap.

Sarutobi Sasuke/Kasuga; kids
“Kenshin-sama's in Kai again…”
“Jealous? Bet they'll have a lovechild soon! Maybe we need one, too, and our ninja kid'd serve
their kid!”
A kunai reply.

Tokugawa Ieyasu; Oda’s balls
“What’re those bombs called again?”
“Oda’s balls.”
And so Tokugawa decided to side with Nobunaga because he never wanted to be remembered as ‘killed by Oda’s balls’.

Date Masamune; Kojuurou’s son
The day Shigenaga’s born, Date feels jealous. This brat’s gonna constantly occupy Kojuurou’s thoughts! Fourteen years later, it’s Katakura’s turn. Listening to Masamune-sama more than to me?

Suzu; garden, Kojuurou
“M-Masamune-sama!.. I can’t let you into the garden. Katakura-sama was very clear on that part.”
Cute girl. Loyal. Date thinks he’ll have Kojuurou marry her. Take that.

Naked guy****; PARTY!
There are many kinds of parties. But the highly artistic post-battle naked dance with hats is certainly beyond Masamune’s comprehension. Even though Kojuurou finds it quite amusing.

Tokugawa Ieyasu; dark (Sengoku BASARA 3 AU)
Tokugawa is very dark. Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun!*****

* Saihaku is an OC doctor from Oshuu who usually treats Masamune’s battle wounds. Masamune has been suspicious of him ever since he was a kid; he believes Saihaku is out to get him. Think of Saihaku as a bit of a Sengoku era House M.D. ;) He was created as an episodic character in our rpg.

* * Nomura is an OC tea house prostitute from Oshuu created for our rpg. Date takes Yukimura to her… for reasons that should be pretty obvious.

*** But he’s never actually topped anyone.

**** This one:

***** Like this:

anime, gen, 27x27, sengoku basara, fanfiction, challenge, slash, het, artsatalex

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