Mr. Anakin Solo, Miss Mara Jade has informed me that Mr. Palpatine is special. She says that he can shoot lightning, control the dark side of the Force and has small organisms called "midi-chlorians' in his blood. She says that you can verify that he does in fact, have these abilities.
The question I must ask you is: Does Mr. Palpatine have these abilities?
Team medic is going to investigate cabin 100 to see the dead bodies of Kairi, Yuffie, and Sora by gas leak. They are going to call the mechanics and police. Is Anakin going to show up for the log?
Comments 9
Miss Mara Jade has informed me that Mr. Palpatine is special. She says that he can shoot lightning, control the dark side of the Force and has small organisms called "midi-chlorians' in his blood. She says that you can verify that he does in fact, have these abilities.
The question I must ask you is:
Does Mr. Palpatine have these abilities?
Here's the log! (be as slow as you want!)
*eyes comment above* Haha, Palps hopes Anakin sides with him on that one and keeps his mouth shut.
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