(no subject)

Dec 15, 2010 17:54

[ Player Name ] : Jess
[ Personal LJ ] : silvertipped
[ Age ] : 17
[ Timezone ] : Eastern
[ Other Characters ] : Nope!

[ Character's Name ] : Iceland. His human alias, however, is Sigurður Þórsson.
[ Character's Age ] : 1,168 / looks 16
[ Series ] : Axis Powers: Hetalia
[ Canon Point ] : Modern Day

[ History ] :
Country history, Hetalia article. Not much 'canon' to go on except interpretations of real history.

tl;dr: Settled by butt-hurt Norwegian ex-chiefs ⟶ Life was pretty cool ⟶ Chiefs fight bloody civil wars and Norway officially adopts him ⟶ Christianity comes along and Iceland adopts it without a fight because he's secretly keeping Norse beliefs (shh) ⟶ Given custody to Denmark in the Kalmar Union ⟶ Separated from Norway after the fall of said union.

⟶ PLAGUE, FAMINE, VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS, MINI ICE AGE, POVERTY, ECONOMIC FAILURE, TURKISH ABDUCTIONS, MASS EMMIGRATION TO CANADA, GOVERNMENT DISSOLVED DUE TO PLIGHT OF POPULACE during which Denmark didn't lift a finger to help him, souring his view of Denmark ⟶ Occupied by England, America to block against Germany in WWII despite declaring himself neutral ⟶ Freedom from Denmark at last!

⟶ Cod "Wars" (England balking but then giving him more fishing rights after unilateral expansions of fishing territory by Iceland, multiple times) ⟶ Is questioned about the ethics of his ongoing whaling ⟶ America leaves Keflavík in 2006 ⟶ Things are actually okay? ⟶ Economic failure in 2008, banks are stealing money from Norway, his older brother; ahh crap that'll go over well... not ⟶ Russia helps out when no one else will, everyone does a double-take ⟶ Eyjafjallajökull (a.k.a everyone makes fun of Icelandic volcano spellings!) erupts unexpectedly and screws over European airports, England is probably pissed at him by this point ⟶ Modern day!

[ Personality ] :
Iceland's personality is, well, like a volcano covered in ice. He is very passionate, opinionated, and judgmental about things on the inside, yet has the appearance of being cold on the outside. He uses this as a defense, to put himself at a "safe distance" from other people and not have to get too emotionally involved in things. He also wants to cover all of his bases, not leaving a way for someone to try to take advantage or get under his skin.

Iceland is definitely not as cold as he seems. He adopted that appearance around the time that the Kalmar Union ended, his guardian Norway left, and things started to go downhill for him, to put things lightly. He turns to insulting people close to him defensively, but it's another defensive act. Iceland isn't the most showy about it, but he cares deeply for his family and close friends. They're the only ones he listens to without a (serious) fight.

If you aren't close and he doesn't like what you're asking him, he'll be stubborn almost to the point of stupidity. While Western Europe had the Renaissance, Icelanders have the fact that they weathered through the worst that nature threw at them and lived to tell the tale. Not the only thing, but this is why Iceland is stubborn as a mule. If he wants something, there's not much that will stop him from getting it. From the early 1800s, Iceland fought for all the rights he could from Denmark (who had more-or-less crashed Iceland's economy previously from Danish-benefiting trade monopolies among other things), and steadily won enough rights to be able to declare independence in 1944. When he's got his mind made up and set on something, it will take a lot of convincing to make him change it.

In his stubbornness and in his temper are two places where his "warm"overlaps his "cold" to the gen. When he gets angry enough (or you hit a particularly sensitive nerve), all of his feelings will be vented at once, either violently, or just shouting and stomping around. This is related to, but not a direct cause of his volcanos(erupting volcanos usually only give him a fever and a bad cough, anyway. It doesn't take them to erupt for him to display his temper). Because his temper flares up more often than he'd like, Iceland has little patience for people who annoy him, and tries to avoid them thusly; he sees his temper as childish. Actually, he views most everything behind his icy exterior as being 'childish' and not something he means people to see.

Along with being friendly and a bit awkward underneath, he's very worrisome and can be prone to being anxious or superstitious(his people averted modern highway projects around where they though the Húldufólk, or mythical Norse beings lived) about things, avoiding rather than targeting the problem. Avoiding, in general he's good at. He vehemently declared himself neutral in WWII to stay out of other people's problems, despite the Allies not listening since he wasn't an official country yet. In fact, he's known for being more distant, more separated than his Nordic "neighbors," both physically and in language and culture. He'll happily spend days on end inside than have to go out and deal with people; it's draining and sometimes stressful for him.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
Iceland is + strong because he's a nation. He's not the strongest nation by a long shot, but hurting him is a tough thing to do.

Despite this, Iceland is - not physically very strong. That heavy box? He'll probably end up having to ask someone to help him move it; Iceland has no standing army, save a coast guard.

He's also a - lightweight when it comes to alcohol. Despite considering his relatives are Norway, Denmark, and even further, Germany (quite heavy drinkers), it doesn't take much to get Iceland drunk. Shortly after he opens up under the influence, he crashes and becomes quite the weepy drunk.

Iceland is a - bit of a hermit. He's much like your awkward, introverted teenage boy, despite being much older in reality. He adheres to the Jante Laws, but that's not quite the whole story. Iceland's not the one you turn to when you need a shoulder to cry on, because whether he cares or not, he has no idea what to say to make things better. Naturally, he's a bit shy.

Despite his awkwardness talking to people, Iceland is + pretty good at communicating with animals. He can read his puffin's body language and emotions pretty well, and is good with working with livestock and even with other domestic animals; Iceland was and to an extent still is very large in agriculture, outside of the major cities. With wild animals, though, he's hopeless.

Iceland's also + a handy knitter, though he's not very good at claiming that it's not "girly." He's been knitting for centuries, and it's his only real creative strength (through complex patterns). Think of those famous Icelandic sweaters.

[ Other Important Facts ] :
He has come to Vatheon with his puffin, simply named Mr. Puffin. Occasionally 'Lundi,' which is 'puffin' in Icelandic. Not quite a normal puffin, he's lived with Iceland since the kid was just a colony and has picked up some human tendencies and behaviors. He's practical, a bit blunt, and has a strange liking of salty licorice.

[ Sample ] :
"Goddamnit, Denmark!"

Iceland shouted angrily as he woke up, sitting up quickly. He was cold, wet, and didn't feel like he slept a wink last night, despite going to bed early. This was obviously Denmark's fault. Looking next to him, even Mr. Puffin's normally waterproof feathers were damp. He hugged the shivering bird to him, looking around.

Then he realized. An expanse of... well, whatever it was. It was blue. That was a change from gray, but a worrying change at that. He gazed up into the sky--no, it looked like the ocean, what was this-- what kind of dream was this? He pinched himself and... nothing happened. Did someone slip LSD into his drink somehow?

Well, you can't see your reflection if it's a dream. With this in mind, Iceland got up and wandered over to one of the little waterways in the plaza. Crouching down, he looked at his reflection and gave a little bit of a shriek. He dropped the puffin, his hands going to his jawbone to get off whatever that black thing is off-- It's a mark, isn't it.

More calmly this time, he examined the mark. It was rather symmetrical there, seemingly centered on his neck, right under his right ear. It rather looked like the suction mark of of some giant, foreign squid, turned black.

...Knowing this place, that could be entirely possible.

He was simply running his fingers over the new black mark when he noticed something glowing above his shoulder, reflected in the water. He turned to see a floating fairy-ish thing, and stared at it bemusedly.

It was odd-- quieter than Norway's accomplices, if that was even possible-- but he decided not to question it as long as it wasn't attacking him, like apparently some squid had already done. He waved a hand in front of it, but no response. He tried to poke it, but nothing. Was it even alive?

Iceland sighed. "How'd we even get down here?" he questioned his Puffin, who gave him a sad look. So he didn't know either. He picked the bird back up with shivering hands and decided it'd be better to get warm and dry, then try to find his bearings.

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : I'm new to lj and this is my first rp, so please bear with my newbie mistakes!

.vatheon, .ooc, .app

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