User Info Update & 23 in 23 Rules

Jan 04, 2011 07:25

Hi! Last week I fixed up the user info to make it more readable. The same for the main community page. The other fonts were making my eyes tired so it's back to simple sans serif with an Egyptian style font for accents. :)
Also since no one voted against it, I've decided to go for it and run a Lost 23 in 23 challenge. I think it'll be fun for us to try even if we only get a few participants. Sign ups will be posted within a few days for it.
The specific rules for that challenge are behind the cut and won't be added to the user info.

LOST 23 in 23 Challenge Rules

1. To enter rounds you must be watching or be a member of this community. You will then need to sign up for the Lost 23 in 23 by commenting on the "sign up" post/entry and leaving your claim.
2. Icons entered must fit the Live Journal standards: No bigger than 100x100 pixels, 40 KB, in either PNG, JPG or GIF format.
3. Icons or other graphics entered must be new and not shared anywhere before the challenges.
4. Animations will not be allowed.

How to Post Your Entries

1. After signing up and being approved, you will be given posting access to post your entry to the community. You may post 23 icons at your journal and link to your entry but your post must be "public" until the challenge ends.

2. A table for your entries will be provided. If you know how to edit HTML, you may change the colors codes & fonts. But please leave the labels as is. Thank you.

3. This part is obvious, but the entry period will be 23 days.

General rules (as posted on the user info) for island_rumble challenges also will apply to the 23in23 challenge

* Icons or other graphics you enter must be new and not posted anywhere before voting has ended.
* Please remember cheating will not be tolerated. Please do not tell people to vote for your specific entries and don't vote for yourself.
* This an all ages (13 & up) community : Icons & graphics must be rated the same as LOST is when it aired on TV in the U.S. This means regarding content/language that if you would not hear it or see it on the series please don't put it on your entries.
* Specific rules may vary for special challenges but the above rules will always apply.
* If all the rules stated above are not followed the icon/graphic will be disqualified.
* Thank you!

#moderation, rules

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