Special Challenge - 8 by 2 Icons Variations
For this challenge please review the instructions before entering.
Community rules on the user info that are regarding membership, language content allowed and not asking for votes still apply.
Please follow the instructions for the categories. If you have any questions please ask on this post.
Variation Categories
1. Blank One (First Image)
2. Blank Two (Second Image)
3. Textured One (First Image)
4. Textured Two (Second Image)
5. Desaturated (Either Image)
6. Rotate (Either Image)
7. Text Required (Either Image)
8. 2-in-1 (Combine Both Images into 1 Icon)
Blank: No text, text brushes, words or letters. Textures, brushes etc are allowed.
Textured: Use a pre-made texture or if you prefer, paint a texture using texture style brushes.
Words, tiny text and text brushes ARE allowed but not required. Texture must be visible in someway.
Text Required : the icon must have
readable words on it.
Desaturated: the icon must be black & white or sepia toned only. No color at all.
Lost 8 by 2 Variations {Example Set}1- Blank One2 - Blank Two3 - Textured One 4 - Textured Two
5 - Desaturate 6 - Rotate7 - Text Required 8 - Two-in-One
Original Images
Image Choice:
You may choose any character, any episode, the same episode, different episode, the same character, different characters. Any thing you want as long as they are two different screen caps or Lost pictures.
No out of character photos allowed.
Any Lost screen capture or Lost episode or character photo. No out-of-character cast pictures will be allowed.
How to Enter:
You may enter
a maximum of two sets.
Entries will be public so you must comment here (under "What About Me?" thread for posting access to island_rumble during the challenge.
You don't need to claim any subjects, just comment telling me you need in. Thanks!
You may post directly to
island_rumble or link to a public post at your journal.
Please post your icon tables behind a cut if post directly to IR.
First, Second, Third individual icon will be chosen by votes.
First, Second & Third Set will be chosen by votes.
All winners in all categories will receive banners.
Special prizes are available for the overall set winners (not single icon winners).
See my comment below for a prize list.
Please use this table when entering.
You may change the colors, fonts & text size but please keep the icon descriptions:
1- Blank One | 2 - Blank Two | 3 - Textured One | 4 - Textured Two |
http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b177/mer_manatee/001_LJ_ISLAND_RUMBLE_ENTRIES/Eight_By_Two_Variations_Challenge/01_LOST8by2_Variation_BLANKFIRST.png"> | http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b177/mer_manatee/001_LJ_ISLAND_RUMBLE_ENTRIES/Eight_By_Two_Variations_Challenge/02_LOST8by2_Variation_BLANKSecond.png"> | http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b177/mer_manatee/001_LJ_ISLAND_RUMBLE_ENTRIES/Eight_By_Two_Variations_Challenge/03_LOST8by2_Variation_TexturedFirst.png"> | http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b177/mer_manatee/001_LJ_ISLAND_RUMBLE_ENTRIES/Eight_By_Two_Variations_Challenge/04_LOST8by2_Variation_TexturedSecond.png"> |
5 - Desaturate | 6 - Rotate | 7 - Text Required | 8 - Two-in-One |
http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b177/mer_manatee/001_LJ_ISLAND_RUMBLE_ENTRIES/Eight_By_Two_Variations_Challenge/05_LOST8by2_Variation_Desaturated.png"> | http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b177/mer_manatee/001_LJ_ISLAND_RUMBLE_ENTRIES/Eight_By_Two_Variations_Challenge/06_LOST8by2_Variation_Rotation.png"> | http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b177/mer_manatee/001_LJ_ISLAND_RUMBLE_ENTRIES/Eight_By_Two_Variations_Challenge/07_LOST8by2_Variation_Rotation.png"> | http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b177/mer_manatee/001_LJ_ISLAND_RUMBLE_ENTRIES/Eight_By_Two_Variations_Challenge/08_LOST8by2_Variation_2in1.png"> |
Original Images {thumbnails please}
http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b177/mer_manatee/001_LJ_ISLAND_RUMBLE_ENTRIES/Eight_By_Two_Variations_Challenge/LOST_0477.jpg" target="_blank">http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b177/mer_manatee/001_LJ_ISLAND_RUMBLE_ENTRIES/Eight_By_Two_Variations_Challenge/th_LOST_0477.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"> http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b177/mer_manatee/001_LJ_ISLAND_RUMBLE_ENTRIES/Eight_By_Two_Variations_Challenge/LOST_0476.jpg" target="_blank">http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b177/mer_manatee/001_LJ_ISLAND_RUMBLE_ENTRIES/Eight_By_Two_Variations_Challenge/th_LOST_0476.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 at 8:15:00 PM (Los Angeles time)