After looking at the tests of
various people who have tried the 'crossposting comments to Facebook and Twitter' thing, I am not particularly fussed about LJ's decision to implement this.
1) If someone posts their comment here on elsewhere, so what? It doesn't connect me (
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Comments 12
I'm bookmarking Better Facebook until tomorrow when I'm not too tired to comprehend such things (I don't understand greasemonkey, either, and I really should look into it). It looks like a good thing, though.
\o/ Me too. I mean, I'm not reading at DW, but I'm tracking the journals there that I want to follow.
(I need to update this icon to "platform". ;-)
I love these icons.
Yeah, and I keep wanting to tell people to go read the comments at the other site, because the conversations take quite different directions sometimes. *sigh* But it still seems like the best solution.
I wish more people would put links and comment counts in their footers.
It's getting near the stage I'm at with Mac evangelists. Yes, I know my current platform has its flaws. I'm capable of deciding whether they're deal-breakers or not all by myself, thank you, and I've already looked at your beloved superior platform and decided that the balance still favours the original for me at present. So when you keep blowing every problem you can find up to epic proportions and asking me if this is the issue that's going to make me change my mind - no? How about this then? ...Well, it's really not LJ that I'm starting to get fed up with.
I've used macs, they're really good. I loved it when they came in pretty colours. But if I want to get a computer I'll get one that does twice the work and costs half as much and doesn't require specialist support every time the logic board blows up, thank you very much.
I've been with LJ for ten years. I didn't leave for journalfen, ujournal, blurty, deadjournal, greatestjournal, or insane journal. In the past decade, the sky STILL hasn't fallen far enough for me to shift.
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