better living through

May 07, 2009 17:22

1. If you are as annoyed as I am by people who don't cut-tag their LoudTwitter posts, stick this into your Customize Journal Style/Custom CSS/Custom stylesheet textbox:
.loudtwitter {
display: none!important
}Voila, no more tweets!

gnatkip has an exceptionally useful post (which I immediately metafandom'ed) on Greasemonkey scripts that can be made to work with Dreamwidth.

2a. I really can't function without LJaddons. So it was incredibly useful to me to learn that the Insets right-click menu can be used at other journal sites by ticking the "On all" ticky on its Settings/Communication. Then, you can code all the special journal-specific tags at the touch of a button - and I went ahead and coded "dw user on lj" and "lj user on dw" as options. The latter is easy () but the former is way complicated:
Maybe you just want to trust me on this. (And to make it for a community rather than an individual, change user.png to community.png.)

3. Speaking of better living through, this is an awesome animated vid about oxygen for all you chemistry geeks.

4. Just a reminder that I am on Dreamwidth as
isis, and if I don't have you friended here, and you like music and other media of the type I talk about here, you might want to subscribe to me there with your OpenID/DW username; or ask me to give you access, and subscribe to my 'upload' tag.

lj, interesting pointers

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