stuff what I saw and what I read and what I wrote

Mar 05, 2008 18:59

I saw the Being Human pilot, and I'm embarrassed to say that, as with Torchwood, I missed a lot of the dialogue due to not being able to understand the accent. *facepalms* I enjoyed it, although I didn't think it was the wow that a lot of the rest of my flist did. But I enjoyed it enough to remember that I had seen some fic about it on my flist, and then I went looking for more, and ooh, I really loved this story:

Causality by lo0o0ony_lauren | Being Human: George/Mitchell, PG, (my rating), short story. And after my complaints about the accent, you can laugh at me, but what I like best about this story is how utterly British it reads. When I was in HP fandom, you could tell the Americans who were really trying from the Americans who didn't give a damn, but then something like A.J. Hall's stories stood out as something entirely different. The deadpan humo(u)r is very much like the show's, and the story continues the theme of monsters and humanity, of what it is that separates Mitchell in particular from his fellows.

I'm a member of aos_challenge, which is a flashfic community for all Age of Sail fandoms, and although Pirates of the Caribbean qualifies, I'm really in it for the Sharpe, Master and Commander, and Hornblower. But when someone posted a Tia Dalma sonnet, I had to click - and wow, I loved it!

Sonnet of the Sea Witch by lokei | PotC: Tia Dalma, PG, poem. It's a sonnet. It's gorgeous and evocative. More people should tell the writer how lovely it is.

I also managed to break out of my writerly funk by writing a story for the ds_flashfiction self-insertion challenge: Stranger Than Fiction, which is PG13 Fraser/RayK metafic. I enjoyed writing this a heck of a lot. Er, even if you don't read due South you might get a kick out of it, because it's got me in it. :-)

Putting this story together reminded me how much I adore the unreliable narrator. I've written a bunch of bodyswaps, and in all of them except for one (the Rae story, where I was constrained by my narrative choice) I introduce the bodyswap from the POV of a third character who does not realize that the person in front of him isn't who he thinks. I love this device! The reader has to discover what's going on from other clues, and ultimately becomes complicit with the author, as though they together are sharing a secret that the third character isn't privy to.

(And I think this is why I argued so much with one of my betas who said that Rae would instantly realize she had a male body when she awoke. I wanted Rae to be that unreliable narrator, who does not realize that she herself isn't who she thinks. The reader, who has presumably seen the summary, knows exactly what's going on, but she doesn't, at least for a while.)

Also - I just love it when a story starts writing itself. Er, I don't mean that literally, although I suggest that happens in the story :-) I mean that for example, my starting idea was just that Fraser clicks on another story and realizes OMG slash. But then the way it happened, I was just writing, just imagining, okay, what does he think he can do with his new-found power? Maybe fly to Canada? And that lead to him choosing the wingfic story in particular, and that gave me a really nifty metaphor to use for his sexuality. It just kind of happened, but when it did, it felt right.

I have all sorts of meta things I want to post about, but we're heading out of town on Friday around noon and won't be back until Sunday night, and I hate missing interesting discussions in my lj. So be boring this weekend, okay?

recs:other, recs, viewing, fic

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