dribbles and drabbles

Oct 27, 2006 18:14

1. I have signed up for yuletide. Go me! I made four requests, including one in which I encouraged the writer to create an original character, one in which I encouraged the writer to ignore the ostensible canon, and two het requests. Um. Sorry? I ended up offering ten fandoms, although in two of them I restricted my character list.

2. LJ is offering special virtual gifts for Halloween. I am tempted to give out anonymous flaming bags of poo.

3. I am alone for the weekend again! I will watch that ep of Torchwood I have on my hard drive. Also, more S1 and S2 due South.

4. I have started in on another bottle of red wine. And I have apple cider and rum for later. Mmmm. And there is a cat in my lap.

5. I feel like drabbling. Give me a character or pairing and a prompt, please, in any of my fandoms: SGA, due South, Master and Commander (books), Wilby Wonderful, HCL, and hell, I'll try Slings and Arrows, Heroes, and even good old Harry Potter. The catch is I'll only write one drabble for any given pairing, and only two in any fandom.

ETA: OMG, 12 drabbles, 1200 words. Almost midnight. I'm going to bed and will do the rest tomorrow. I'll post them all in one nicely-organized post. This was fun!

festathons, meanderings, lj, drabbles

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