Title: The Separation Revelation
Rating: PG
Summary: He wonders what it is about him that makes him the guy that it's so easy to walk away from.
Disclaimer: I do not own The Big Bang Theory.
Author's Note: Spoilers for 4.18, "The Prestidigitation Approximation". This is also my attempt to be fair to Priya in a way the show isn't.
He wonders what it is about him that makes him the guy that it's so easy to walk away from. )
Comments 6
He didn't want it to be this way.
She say she didn't either.
I think this line hit me the hardest. So much raw emotion in so few words. I'm really speechless...you've blown me away, and I'm going to stop rambling before I say much else.
Supposed to be getting on with some work as I am in college, but seriously, this is much better haha
Really hope Leonard and Penny get back together! I really hope they do.
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