Title: Unconditional
Rating: PG
Summary: She hides all of this, all of her flaws and her damage, from everyone, hoping they won’t get close enough to see it.
Disclaimer: I do not own Lost. At all. I wish but alas...
Author's Note: Used for
philosophy_20, prompt #5: syzygy.
She hides all of this, all of her flaws and her damage, from everyone, hoping they won’t get close enough to see it. )
Comments 7
That's...about all I got to say, really.
(The comment has been removed)
First of all, anything with Kate and Sun always makes me squee outloud with joy so thank you for that.
I really like the point of this. Sun has been by Kate's side through all the crap that's happened over the past 3 seasons and I'm sure she will continue to be. I've always hated that they don't show as much of them anymore because there's a lot of potential there.
The last lines ring especially true here, but I love the whole darn thing.
Amazing fic! I totally love it!
And I think all Kate is really looking for is someone to stand by her even when she screws up (especially when she screws up) and I think she'd do well to stop looking for that in men and start looking for it in her friendship with Sun.
I'm glad you liked this, and don't worry about getting side-tracked. The fic isn't going anywhere. :)
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