I uploaded my convention pictures to my computer. ^_^ Here are some of the more amusing ones. :) Maybe I'll post more later. The pictures are a little big but I'm too tired to resize them...
Sorry, currently at work on lunch break. Have to go eat soon. Surprised I was even able to login...1/2 the time it doesn't work from work
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I was wondering if those of you who work/go to school downtown were willing to let me know your schedule so that maybe I might get to see someone at some point this month. ^_^ (at the very least maybe I'll see someone on the bus
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I scored "9.27022% - Geekish Tendencies" on the InnerGeek quiz I got from Evil_Overlord's LJ. I scored less than I thought I would...at least until I saw that most questions didn't apply to me.
The girl I got this from had 37% normal friends... this leads me to understand there are not many "normal" people out there. Then again she's not very "normal" and neither are most the people I know....
This is a reminder (if anyone sees it *sweatdrop*) to all those who are coming to the rpg.
It's this Saturday, Saturday 21st of August at 10:00 am at the Beaconsfield Trainstation (by the building thingy near where the 221 and 217 go). From there we go to Carla's.