Title: The Empty Flat
Rating: T
Features: John Watson, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Rose Tyler, the 10th Doctor, Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Gwen Cooper, Melody Pond, Sarah Jane Smith
Pairings: Mild John/Rose, Heavy Doctor/Rose, Mild Jack/Everyone
A/N: This takes place mid-season 3 for Doctor Who and
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Comments 4
So Mycroft knew who Rose/Mari was this whole time? Just another reason for John to not trust him.
And eeep! The Doctor better get back soon to save Rose! I'm also wondering what Martha's reaction is gonna be when she finally meets her. Can't wait!
Oh yes, Mycroft knew about her from day one, and this gets addressed next chapter. XP
Mycroft knew? Sneaky bastard isn't he. And yay!! That's got to be Jack :D
Mycroft will come up again, don't worry. John hasn't let that go.
I love writing fics in which former companions meet current companions, especially Classic Who companions. :D It allows me to classify watching Doctor Who as research, and that's just brilliant.
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