Title: The Future Author: isilienelenihin Pairing: 9/Rose Based on Episode: The End of the World Warnings: Sexytimes ahead! A/N: written for the
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Welllll, there is a scene I didn't get to include (because I ran out of time). I really wanted to write a smutty bit about when Nine and Rose had that argument about the TARDIS getting in her head (and then she realizes that he was in her head during sex) and it gets--interesting. :D So I could write that up as an outtake or something.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D It turned out better than I thought it would.
Thank you so much for reading it! :D Your comments and corrections were very helpful. :D I'm thinking of adding in a sort of deleted scene, would you be interested in beta'ing that as well?
I really enjoyed everything about this story. I must say that I like your version better, and not just because of your deliciously hot smut, but because of the wonderful character introspection. The Doctor is drawn to Rose's compassion and joy for life. She is exactly what he needs to heal his battered soul.
I liked how Rose's change of costume caused the Doctor to lavish praise upon her, without any qualifiers. It also allowed easy access when time is limited ;)
I loved the last paragraph as it adds a powerful punch to an already compelling story. He could hear the vulnerability in her voice and he realized that he'd been wrong earlier, when he thought that sex was the moment of truth, the moment when he was presented with a choice between possibilities. It was now. The sex was inevitable-but his answer was not. He reached across the table and cupped her soft cheek with one large, rough hand. "The future," he told her. Her answering smile was like the sunrise.
Thank you so much for posting this wonderful story.
Comments 34
IMHO, you should write more smut. Please. Now?
I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D It turned out better than I thought it would.
They breathed together and they moved together and this was what sex was about-it was about connection, about becoming one soul in two bodies.
That is still my favorite line. This whole story, to me, just seems to revolve around it.
Thanks so much for letting me beta this :)
I liked how Rose's change of costume caused the Doctor to lavish praise upon her, without any qualifiers. It also allowed easy access when time is limited ;)
I loved the last paragraph as it adds a powerful punch to an already compelling story.
He could hear the vulnerability in her voice and he realized that he'd been wrong earlier, when he thought that sex was the moment of truth, the moment when he was presented with a choice between possibilities. It was now. The sex was inevitable-but his answer was not. He reached across the table and cupped her soft cheek with one large, rough hand. "The future," he told her. Her answering smile was like the sunrise.
Thank you so much for posting this wonderful story.
I was actually given a prompt (not your concubine, not your prostitute, so what am I? roughly) and it sort of spun off into this. :D
You really fleshed that prompt out in a way that added so much depth to characters we think we know so well.
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