[Trans] Kame Camera - Vol.30 Feeling comfortable

Aug 18, 2013 17:35

As first thing, I've always forgotten to write it in the entries but more than 1 month ago I adjusted FtF lyrics xD You find them here if you still need them xD
RL is really exhausting recently, so this explains my present hiatus.

-His ways to relieve stress and enjoy even hard schedules.
-Talks about limits of being an idol.
-Kame wants to make... plants happy? XDD
-A talk about falling in love, relationships and hardships with a nice "rhythm" metaphor :)

Always thanks to scorch66 for the English check ♥


What's the scenery of the bottom of the heart that Kamenashi Kazuya's lens reflects?

Vol.30 居心地 Feeling comfortable

「In work, in love, in human relations: I adapt myself to the other’s rhythm so I can feel comfortable anywhere I am.」

When I am surfing, I don’t think about useless stuff and I can relax just being submerged by the sea. Being myself a turtle, if I stay only on the land my condition will worsen (laughs). Whenever I feel myself to be powerless against the sea, I repent thinking “don’t get full of yourself when on the land, me”.

I think there’s no “uncomfortable” place for me. I think I am good in developing the art of being able to enjoy wherever I am, in whichever situation I am placed in. In this, experiencing this kind of job playsa big part. For example, during the filming for the movie “It’s me, it’s me” I gave it all I got in portraying all sorts of “me”s. It was very hard as, for example, my sleeping time was 2 hours, but I enjoyed those days too. Like taking Kase-kun by surprise and bringing a toaster in the dressing room and baking mochi (laughs). During the “Yokai Ningen Bem” period, I didn’t want the character to ooze the human touch so I carried out a stoic lifestyle, but as to compensate for that I, for example, went crazy about aroma or drowned myself in listening to music. I satisfied the remaining of my five senses and enjoyed [the experience]. Thinking about it, I bought many sorts of magazines from fashion to interiors and often did window shopping in my mind too (laughs). In this job you don’t have time or you can’t go outside so there are many personal desires you can’t physically fulfill, thus you become able to invent in a limited sphere of influence and carry out your satisfaction, like introducing into your lifestyle things that excite your senses or inflate your imagination. Therefore, see, I am confident that even if I went to the extreme end of the world I could make that place a comfortable place for me.

I want to adjust myself to this girl’s rhythm. Thinking this is probably already love.

Human relations are the same. I think I basically am a “comfortable person” for the other. This because even if I suddenly force my style on the other I can’t feel better [after doing it]; this is my nature.[*] First, I study the other person and look for his key point. Only after I manage to make the other person enjoy, then I can free my own desire too. It’s like this for everything. When I was the theatrical leader for the stage play too: if the rest of the cast can freely act at ease first, then I become able to move freely too. I constantly consider the TPO [Time, Place, Occasion] and this is the same. If I wear leather pants and a leather jacket while gardening, I end up feeling that I can’t associate with the plants. It’s better wearing long boots and an apron, since I feel that the plants will be pleased too and I feel happier (laughs). It feels good adjusting to the other, and I like cooperating. I want to join breath and movements, and I want to associate in depth.

I often say that wavelength is important in love too, but in short, that is the sense of rhythm. Even being charmed by each other, even being able to be together or not, all of these depend on whether each one’s rhythm matches the other’s. Even if it’s a rhythm I don’t know, the fact that I think “I want to try to adjust myself to this girl’s sound” is probably already love. But you know, regarding love, I feel that as the relationship deepens more and more, it also becomes more difficult to always feel comfortable.If it’s a girl I go out for a date with just now and then, then I can adjust to her as many times as it’s needed; but if it’s a girl I seriously fell in love with, it means she will deeply come into my life. As a basis, I adjust to her wavelength and I try to create a relaxed relationship in which I can spoil and be spoiled. But my life’s base is, as expected, work. Depending on my work’s contents or conditions, my rhythm ends up changing rapidly. Even if normally I am good at adjusting to others, when I’m in off-mode, I change modulation abruptly so there are times I think I’d feel better if in those various times I am with a person who matches the kind of tension [I have in that moment]. There are times that even if we’re together, it doesn’t seem as if I’m paying attention and the person next to me may feel uneasy. It’s impossible to constantly adjust rhythm with someone like me, and it’s also painful to have someone trying with all their might to adjust their rhythm to mine. The ideal is a woman who has leeway to moderately leave me alone while enjoying from time to time the feeling of not matching.[**] I wish her to be like the women of the past, watching over me taking three steps back. I want her to skillfully give me my space, not adjusting to my rhythm but instead watching over me …….In the end, such a thing might just be considered being self-centered, right (laughs).

[*] Meaning he doesn't try to force his personality on people (like "I am like this and you have to accept it/become like me"), and even if he did it, he wouldn't feel happy. Because his nature is the kind of "service personality" (he talked about this in previous Maquias): he's happy when he manages to answer to what he's requested to. Doing the opposite won't make him happy.
[**] Continuing with the metaphor with the sound and rhythm he is using, here with "enjoying the feeling of not matching/feeling of being out of alignment" means, always in the music metaphor, that from time to time the rhythm they are playing won't match but will be a bit off, but they should enjoy the fact it's off and not make a big fuss or depression over that.

Kame’s fixed point of observation
The photoshoot co-stars Pipi-chan the dog. Kamenashi-kun himself is taking care of dogs so his communication is outstandingly good! “In truth, I want to take care of my kids at my house, but I feel sorry for them when I can only stay at home for just a few hours. I entrusted them to my parents’ house and sometimes I ask them to bring them over to my place.” He lies on the floor and plays and kisses with Pipi-chan. Despite it being their first encounter, they become friendly at once. At last, Pipi-chan was carried around in Kamenashi-kun’s arms and dozed over feeling apparently good.
By Maquia



Another page had a picture of Kame at the Maquia special event where he took part as "secret guest" (he wasn't announced beforehand to the event participants). The page doesn't report the talk though (very sadly T_T).
Journalist highlights that the talk was about some statements Kame did in the previous Kame Camera volumes; topics touched with Kame on stage were women's beauty, scents (I bet he talked about his fetish), love relationship. Journalist also highlights that Kame surprisingly from the stage did eye contact with all the women of the audience.

BECAUSE YES KAME CALLS HIS DOGS “KIDS” LIKE KOKI. <3 I wasn't expecting it from him, I was surprised lol. ← most relevant part of the whole number, lol. /hopeless doglover/
Okay, on a more serious note, I really liked the rhythm metaphor, it was easy to understand what he meant (and it's quite romantic too~)

*translation: kame camera, $magazine: maquia, *translation: magazine, .member: kamenashi

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