[Trans] Kame Camera - Vol.23 Treasure

Dec 13, 2012 22:51

Let's celebrate Bem movie roadshow vith a Kame Camera corner :D

-Kohai love towards Kame :D
-Talking about emotional attachment to objects... or not?
-Kamenashi in a desert island...?
-Some member love from Kame to KT members ♥

Thank you to krysyuy for her English betaread ♥

What's the scenery of the bottom of the heart that Kamenashi Kazuya's lens reflects?

Vol.23 宝物 - Treasure

「The real treasures are things without a form: the feelings and memories that live inside the things you’ve given or received.」

This is the “treasures corner” at the entrance of my home. It’s a display of the brand shoes I like and collect, and of the signed balls and gloves I’ve received by baseball players. When friends come, sitting down in front of this shelf and having a “treasure pride” chat while drinking is a moment of bliss (laughs).

If I’m asked what’s my treasure, there are too many that I can’t limit it to just one. First, there are the presents. Considering my job there are many times I receive presents, but as expected, I’m glad of the feelings together with them. My “first glove” that was given to me by my parents as a Christmas present when I was little, and also the speakers that Kis-My-Ft2’s Tamamori gave me some days ago to commemorate the first day of the stage play made me happy. Even small presents like tea or beauty goods, there are many things that later become a precious part of me.

For me I originally get into anything from appearance first, so objects that I liked and bought are precious things that express the me of that time. I feel that they are making me move with a huge power. Especially things that I bought when I was 20, the period I was welcoming a great turning point, I feel that they are the starting point of my present self and I can’t throw them away. The first car I bought or the sofa, the clothes I bought being conscious of adults, accessories… Even if I don’t use them anymore, I keep them very dearly without being able to throw them away.

Just, even if there is an emotional attachment toward things, I also think that my attachment to them is weak. I don’t want to create a situation in which I can’t live without them. In my recent lifestyle the mixer I use to create green vegetable smoothies is an indispensable tool. But that too, it is because during stage play shows I can’t eat heavy breakfast or lunch. When the stage play ends, I will be perfectly fine even without relying on the mixer. Living in Tokyo and being busy with work you feel that many things are necessary, and that is another fun thing. Actually there aren’t so many things that are absolutely necessary to me in order to survive. If I had to go to a desert island, I am the type that wants to keep the stuff to bring with him at the minimum. It would be the camera to record my life there, then a toothbrush, a survival knife, and a lighter to light a fire. I guess it’d be enough with a player to listen to music and one book. I won’t bring a mobile phone with me. I mean, even though I am going to live in a desert island from now on, what should I do remembering my life in Tokyo? If I am free enough to look at the addresses and pictures in the mobile and miss everything, it’s better if I use my heart and body to continue living in a way more joyful way. I want to live possessing an adaptable nature, wherever I am.

I have become a “person who wants to give”, both towards a girl and the members.

Thinking like this, probably what I consider my treasures are things without a form more than things with a form. For presents too, the memory of giving them to someone is stronger [than the present itself]. Even in primary school when I gave the girl I liked a Giants’ keyholder and I was rejected immediately is a good memory (laughs). Even giving a watch to my dad and a necklace to my mother in occasion of my 20th birthday, I felt I could become an adult and I was filled with a deep emotion.

Actually I am probably a “person who wants to give” (laughs). Even the desire of giving the girl I like shoes, clothes or interior goods that seem to match well with her is really strong. It’s absolutely not because I want to dye her with my color (laughs). Recently that “desire to want to give” is expanding to the group members and the male kohai too. When I go outside to do some shopping I am reminded “these clothes would look good on Koki”, or “I want to give this to my kohai”, and without realizing I am about to buy them. This year my co-stars in the stage play were only kohai, so I feel that my power of liking to do things for others increased even more together with the consciousness of being the principal of the stage play (laughs).

Giving and receiving both things with a form and without a form, people keep changing, and I guess they become persons of a bigger caliber. If it’s really so, those memories and that journey are probably the greatest treasures.

Kame’s fixed point of observation
In this year’s “DREAM BOYS” he has co-starred with his kohai. In proportion to the sense of responsibility getting stronger as principal of the stage play, it seems he also felt in practice its appeal. “Yaotome, Tamamori, Senga, Miyata… it’s cute that all the kohai rely on me (laughs). Moreover, I overlooked all the scenes and the cast, and the consciousness of wanting to create something even better was clearly born. I’ve never thought even once about this until now, but maybe I’m suitable to be a principal? Thinking about that, even in the baseball club I was the captain indeed (laughs).”
By Maquia


I really loved his last sentence ♥ Indeed, the memories and the process are the greatest treasures.

*translation: kame camera, $magazine: maquia, *translation: magazine, .member: kamenashi

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