[Trans] Popolo 2012.07 - KAT-TUN

Jul 17, 2012 23:29

Popolo 2012.07 issue isn't an interview, but a concert report. I decided to translate it because it contains comments by all the members about the tour (from stage to clothes to fans and songs) and some of them are really nice to read :)

-members explain many aspects of the tour (especially Tokyo Dome Live).
-They wanted to show us they can dance in synch ^^'
-"Real face" as encore opening song was a choice with a deep meaning.
-The pictures that the members themselves chose.
LJ is being a bitch and doesn't let me put a lj-cut with a quote, so I need to keep the sad "read more..." I wasn't really planning to post this translation today (I translated it some days ago), but I admit the timing is kinda nice, considering the contents ^^'

Popolo 2012.07 - KAT-TUN LIVE!
“Lives are the place I think 'I'm happy being in KAT-TUN'”

This KAT-TUN live tour shared all the CHAINs between members and the fans!! Close up on the touching concert during their last day in Tokyo Dome ☆ We throughout report the concert that encloses the five members' feelings, including the explanations made by themselves!! You also must check the little incidents at Tokyo Dome and the members' selection pictures.♪

Tokyo Dome 3 days little incidents

Tanaka Koki: I survived thanks to my daily training.
We managed to safely end the 3 days, just, my leg muscles... (Bitter smile). It's the age. I'm already 26 after all (laughs). Moreover last year we had no lives, so I guess it's also because picking up the pace was difficult too. But well, I train my body every day so I survived thanks to my fighting spirit!!

Kamenashi Kazuya: With the 3 days at Dome I lost 4 kg! (laughs)
I don't eat much during lives. Especially right before a live I take just a bite or two. The evening before the live I try to assimilate carbohydrates though. The day we finished the 3 days live I directly went to “Going!” broadcast like that, without eating anything, then went back home, eat thin wheat noodles and went to sleep (laughs).

Nakamaru Yuichi: We were praised, I was incredibly happy!!
After the show we were said by Johnny-san “It was good. Just the illumination was a bit dark”. To repent, we really reflected about it and realized that Johnny-san was wearing sunglasses even during the show. I thought “Was that one the reason?!” (laughs)

Ueda Tatsuya: Lives at Dome are like a sports day! ♪
Since of course fans, but also friends and work colleagues come to see the lives, it's like a sports day or the day parents come to visit the child's lesson at school. I'm nervous too but I enter the spirit “I'll show them my cool side!”, and everyone said “it was fun”.

Taguchi Junnosuke: I was happy it was a success and I ate too much!
After the last day's show at Dome we went to eat, but I was happy that it ended safely so without thinking I ate too much (laughs). Before a live I always eat just light stuff, so when it ends I'm absurdly hungry~ (laughs)

CHAIN stuff 1 - The members completely explain the concert!!
We divided the complete explanation of the Dome live that the members themselves deeply created to the minimal detail into 12 keywords. Please feel the feelings toward each “CHAIN”! ☆

“The time spent with fans is a precious time ♥”

(Koki's explanation) REHEARSAL. I think it was a live we created together with the audience.
“At any rate, the meetings during the 2-3 months before the rehearsal were difficult”.

What I thought once again is that if you rehearsal 100 times, it will connect to the stage that's better to do just once as final performance. A live can't be a self-satisfactory thing, so there are many things you understand for the first time once you see the audience's response. In this meaning, it was a live that we've created together with the audience.

(Nakamaru's explanation) ILLUMINATION: Even when rehearsal ended, we stayed there and discussed about the illumination.
“The name 'flash tree' is a name we decided reflecting together for 2 days”

While discussing about what we wanted to do, the “flash tree”, the illumination attached to the moving stage, became reality. Until now, even if we sometimes asked for illumination “like this”, we didn't get involved about each single light. [This time] even if the rehearsal was ended, we stayed there and concluded the discussion about illuminations. The mask performance was a hard battle too. Actually it was a process of trial and mistake in order to make them even more visible; we had to repaint again the masks' fluorescent paint many times.

(Koki's explanation) STAGE SET: [we wanted] something that can be considered as “Tokyo Dome is KAT-TUN!”
Around 350 helium gas cylinders were used for the balloons and the chains!

Our debut was at Tokyo Dome, so we wanted to create something that could be considered “As expected, Tokyo Dome means KAT-TUN!”. Since we were going to use the Dome, we wanted to do stuff that can be done just here. We repeatedly made suggestions that were rejected, we could put into reality the flash tree, the balloons and the chain that surrounds the Dome, but we just continued to say what we thought. It's the staff who made true all of these for us that is really incredible!

(Kame's explanation) VTR: KAT-TUN comes down in the hall and connects everyone.
The 5 men covered with black cloaks will connect people...

The opening VTR has the image of spreading around the city each of the messages included in the songs, or better, the image that the people who distribute them = KAT-TUN. There's also the image that they're sending them to the world. [T/N: The 5 words were “smile, courage, love, friend/comrade, hope”] Then, those guys go down into the hall and they will connect everyone singing those songs; we included this meaning. Actually in the tour pamphlet there are pictures of us getting ready for the live. I really liked those pictures and I took inspiration from there.

(Taguchi's explanation) DRESSING ROOM: In the dressing room I challenged Nakamaru-kun at Othello☆
“At a famous sightseeing spot there was a girl with tour goods, I was happy”

In the dressing room each member was spending his time as he pleased. Playing his favorite music and wait, eating... In my case, when I had time I resolutely went to famous sightseeing spots. I thought that since we were finally there, it'd be a waste. I invited the members but no one came with me (laughs). Then, with Nakamaru-kun I played Othello. I won with a win ratio 7:3 (laughs). With Koki I spent time discussing “What shall we talk about during MC?”

(Nakamaru's explanation) TOKYO DOME: The force of performing in the air is the real attraction typical of Tokyo Dome!!
Nakamaru says about the balloon “I thought I would have mentally collapsed”

Dome is the place we debuted at; it had the special feeling of being able to come back there. Every time we perform there, as expected the scale is different. Especially performing in the air is peculiar of Dome! There's no wind so we could use the balloons, and we could perform in the air: it is what impresses the audience most.

(Ueda's explanation) COSTUMES: Costumes are chic and light, that look good on us while dancing.
Ueda says “I'm the only one who has lots of costumes that show legs”

Since it was a stage all five of us matched in being particular about, there are many matching costumes. As concept we decided for an adult and chic style. Monotone or red as touch of color. Then, since from the opening it is non-stop dancing, costumes are lighter than usual, we went for cool costumes that look good on us even dancing. KAT-TUN has a fairly voluminous gaudiness so we have many heavy costumes, but this time we paid attention that they were easy to dance with.

(Kame's explanation) SETLIST: I guess we created it placing and replacing pieces scattered around.
We also gave as present nostalgic songs like “harukana yakusoku”!

It's like a puzzle: the pivot was that we wanted to add as much as possible songs from the new album, and then all together we created the set list replacing scattered pieces with others. Then, as soon as we thought it was decided, the following day we were like “no, it's not this yet” (laughs). Moreover we construct [the set list] considering many elements, like costume change timing and our soli. This time we were very particular about pushing the “5” too. Even choosing “Real face” as the encore's first song had the meaning of 'A new start as “5 people”'.

(Taguchi's explanation) DANCE: We have the 'scattered' taste, but we can also match!!
“Kame leaded us, so the live kept improving show after show”

This time “dancing all 5 matching” was one of the themes. Being scattered is a characteristic of us, but we wanted to show that we can properly dance in time. The formation is adapted to each place, so sometimes the front/behind is inverted. For this reason we get confused inside our heads and when we're supposed to form a square there are two people in the same place, so we go “eh?”. It often happened to Nakamaru-kun and I (laughs)

(Ueda's explanation) MC: I watched comedy programs for MC's sake (laughs)
Do you know the “Timotei~” Nakamaru was doing with his whole body? [T/N: It's a North European shampoo brand born in '70/'80 The CM is pretty famous and Nakamaru was imitating it.]

This time the style was that Koki and Nakamaru would turn [the MC] around, but Nakamaru wanted to play the fool role [=boke] (laughs) Koki was earnestly devoted to remark everyone [=tsukkomi] (laughs). We ourselves were having too much fun, our stupid impressions escalated, we couldn't see the end, to the point it became a problem (laughs) I studied my one-line gags watching TV and thinking “I might use this!”! To the point I started watching comedy programs for MC's sake (laughs). Anyway, I think all the members were enjoying the MCs from the bottom of our heart.

(Kame's explanation) INTERCHANGE WITH THE FANS: Lives are the place we can show KAT-TUN as we are.
“I think KAT-TUN is a group incredibly human”.

The exchange with the fans during concerts is of course fun, and it's a precious moment. That's exactly the place we can show the present KAT-TUN as they are. The lives, all the fans, naturally allow us to act like that. It's the place I really think, from the bottom of my heart, “I'm happy I'm in KAT-TUN”.

SOLO SONGS: The performances and the songs rich of the members' personality are the crystallization of what each one of them is particular about!!

Kame's explanation: I imagined a planetarium. I think I created that atmosphere of silence and light together with the audience.
Taguchi's explanation: I wanted to show a different color. For this reason I added a PV and integrated new dance steps.
Koki's explanation: I guess that the “dominant” role is my job. For this reason I 100% did what only I could do.
Ueda's explanation: Based on Runaway, I wondered what if it was “me” who was escaping. Was the dance with handcuffs good?
Nakamaru's explanation: How are the neon decorations from the audience seats? The preparation was difficult. I'm happy it received compliments.


The BEST photos chosen by the members!!

CHAIN stuff 2 - You must see the CHAINed member love☆
We publish the members' best shots chosen by the members themselves!! As expected, everyone notices different things. Please pay attention to the select reason too! ♪

TAGUCHI's best shot chosen by KAME.
“It's surely this one. The reason is because the smile is wonderful. It's a very Taguchi-like picture.

KAME's best shot chosen by NAKAMARU.
Kame skillfully arranges such a choreography. It's a playful and mischievous Kame, so I chose this.

NAKAMARU's best shot chosen by UEDA.
These bowlegs and hand are Nakamaru-like!! Other members aren't like this (laughs)

UEDA's best shot chosen by KOKI.
I think this Ueda is really Ueda-like. And I like this Ueda!

KOKI's best shot chosen by TAGUCHI.
The smile is really natural and nice. However, what a great body. It gives the vibes “he's in shape~!”

$magazine: popolo, kat-tun, .member: all, *translation: magazine

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